00:04:00 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: Hello , I can hear you both 00:04:16 Simon Ishaku: You're all audible. we can hear you all 00:04:19 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: I am the chat moderator 00:04:26 Captioner: I can hear you 00:04:34 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: yes I can hear but I think I cannot talk 00:04:52 Simon Ishaku: We can hear you @Giacomo 00:11:51 vIGF 2020 Timona: Hi, please welcome to the IGF 2020. Please remember the session is recorded and hosted under the IGF Code of Conduct and UN Rules and Regulations. 00:14:14 Kossi AMESSINOU: Hello 00:17:16 vIGF 2020 Timona: Hi, I think host can assign the Captiner...as co-host am not able to 00:18:48 vIGF 2020 Timona: assign me host please..I help 00:21:00 UN DESA: Hi Captioner 00:21:05 UN DESA: You have the rights now 00:21:19 UN DESA: Captions on 00:21:40 UN DESA: https://wmcc.zoom.us/closedcaption?id=95389690336&ns=SUdGIDIwMjAgTlJJcyBDb2xsYWJvcmF0aXZlIFNl&expire=86400&sparams=id%2Cns%2Cexpire&signature=pZW7V2OMA6gj258y8g4srJ-aayXsTOwn8rtW1SfywDA.AG.9xYQ2U_Bx76zqX1L6rYw2_zKE2aDlysJ4BiYIt5E4jkJn-92GPSzE8o4NVDGUthTbZiSGRh1kr_1_8_n1A_v7CyI7oxaH0R8k8xlZgGSlRcsbBkHEOnElSjo.brGtSWSmzx8qauEERz9I5A.L13p5YwPIefmLJzk 00:25:19 Giacomo Mazzone: caption link doesn't work for me… what about the others ? 00:25:49 vIGF 2020 Timona: Please note we will use the Q&A section to take all Questions and Answers of this webinar. Thank you 00:26:52 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: Captions is working for me 00:27:17 Giacomo Mazzone: OK. now also for me. thanks. 00:38:27 Giacomo Mazzone: some hints about the research : https://theconversation.com/una-mirada-critica-sobre-los-objetivos-de-desarrollo-sostenible-138430 00:41:37 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: https://theconversation.com/una-mirada-critica-sobre-los-objetivos-de-desarrollo-sostenible-138430 00:42:00 Giacomo Mazzone: about EU apps against COVID: https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/health/coronavirus-response/travel-during-coronavirus-pandemic/mobile-contact-tracing-apps-eu-member-states_en 00:42:44 Kossi AMESSINOU: http://bit.ly/2Hx6YcR. kea medical 00:43:17 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: about EU apps against COVID: https://ec.europa.eu/info/live-work-travel-eu/health/coronavirus-response/travel-during-coronavirus-pandemic/mobile-contact-tracing-apps-eu-member-states_en 00:43:40 Kossi AMESSINOU: http://bit.ly/2Hx6YcR. kea medical 00:44:03 Giacomo Mazzone: RADAR COVID : app 00:44:05 Giacomo Mazzone: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.gob.radarcovid&hl=en 00:44:57 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: RADAR COVID : app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=es.gob.radarcovid&hl=en 00:44:59 Kossi AMESSINOU: http://bit.ly/2Hx6YcR web version of kea medical. 00:46:13 Kossi AMESSINOU: dic moi Doc application https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dismoidoc.dismoidoc 00:48:47 vIGF 2020 Timona: Please note 30 mins remaining... 00:50:22 Makane Faye: Bonjour Kossi, comment va le pays pendant cette periode de COVID? 00:54:20 Kossi AMESSINOU: pass musso application https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mcm.psm 00:54:47 Lucien M. CASTEX: Quite interesting Zeina 00:55:14 Kossi AMESSINOU: covidi19 se gère difficilement 00:55:33 Zeina Bou Harb: https://www.moph.gov.lb/en/ma3an 00:57:42 Giacomo Mazzone: Olga - gvt center related to data: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/datos-abiertos-en-contexto-del-covid-19 00:58:08 Giacomo Mazzone: Olga - data on pandemy : http://datos.salud.gob.ar/dataset 00:58:10 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: @Kossi, kindly answer to attendees for Makane to see it. 00:58:34 Zeina Bou Harb: https://twitter.com/i/status/1241442648684101632 00:58:38 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: Olga - government center related to data: https://www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/datos-abiertos-en-contexto-del-covid-19 Olga - data on pandemy : http://datos.salud.gob.ar/dataset 01:00:15 vIGF 2020 Timona: Please note we will use the Q&A section to take all Questions and Answers of this webinar. Thank you 01:00:18 Giacomo Mazzone: COVID-19 registered cases in Argentina COVID-19 Laboratory tests 01:01:12 Giacomo Mazzone: The application “CUIDAR” https://www.argentina.gob.ar/aplicaciones/coronavirus 01:02:17 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: The link to the application “CUIDAR” https://www.argentina.gob.ar/aplicaciones/coronavirus 01:03:49 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: The link to Ma3an used in Lebanon https://www.moph.gov.lb/en/ma3an 01:04:02 vIGF 2020 Timona: Please note to share to all (panellists & attendees) as needed 01:04:27 Anja Gengo: haha 01:08:55 vIGF 2020 Timona: Please note 10 mins remaining... 01:09:16 Nashilongo Gervasius: thank you so much Harimino for sharing all the links. 01:10:12 Nashilongo Gervasius: I find it quite impressive that some govts and players played their parts during COVID 19 01:11:13 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: You're welcome Nashilongo 01:15:55 vIGF 2020 Timona: 3 mins remaining... 01:16:59 vIGF 2020 Timona: Thank you all for your participation at the IGF 2020. Please leave your feedback through the directed form or use https://www.intgovforum.org/multilingual/igf-2020-sessions-feedback. Cheers. 01:19:18 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: Thanks to all the panelists and to the moderator 01:19:19 Anja Gengo: Thank you everyone, excellent session! 01:19:34 Harimino Lalatiana Rakotondrainibe: thanks to all the participants, bye all. 01:19:40 Tracy Hackshaw: Bye all