The following are the outputs of the real-time captioning taken during the Tenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in João Pessoa, Brazil, from 10 to 13 November 2015. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the event, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
>> DAVID NG: Thank you all for coming. This session is some kind of outcome of the last IGF meeting. This is among youth and also meeting with some members of IGF that we can share how their trip started and things kind of meet up.
I'm David NG from (inaudible) Asia. We will talk to each other and also with members. We are very grateful to have met members (inaudible) has joined for this session. I would say that's for this event. We will separate into two sessions maybe some kind of self introduction for you to get ton our guests first and then we will be in the other session for move around session to meet up with each other.
So may I pass the time to Peter first to introduce yourself and tell us your story or even if you (inaudible) youth.
>> Peter: Thank you for taking time out from your lunch to listen to an all-hand. So I'm going to talk about a subject that I know a lot about and that's me, I suppose. Don't know how much of this you want to hear. Let's make it quite informal and stop me or move me to another topic. I got into this exercise by accident like most people. I'm originally an intellectual property lawyer and I was working in a firm of patent attorneys in New Zealand. We had a very crappy old IT system in 1980 that was managing the database of trademarks and patents and designs, et cetera. Patent attorneys have big database requirements with onry lawyers. One was to modernize and I went around looking for what I was sure would exist which was a very good on line time recorder system and integrated word processing and accounting system and it doesn't exist. In fact, IT suppliers that I spoke to said I didn't want this. Of course, in fact, I did. I came home to my office in Wellington and I engaged with New Zealand software developers and they had on screen time recordal and various other things. And that could have been the end of the story except the guy that I worked with that wrote the software went to to become the President of the computer society in New Zealand. At that stage, it was being formed. The management of the most, the main name was codes run and allocated by John Pastel who ran out of the main function and he had various frames of John. One of the mainframes of John was to manage a dot New Zealand. By 1995,
it was very clear that the domain names were going to be used and there were going to be problems and his university didn't want the man who was managing this on a free basis. So the community in New Zealand set up New Zealand and had nothing to do with ISOC and transitioned the management of Dot and Zid to the new society. I put my software developer on the board of the first company to run (inaudible). He said well, I know a lawyer who knows about trademarks and he can probably come and give us a talk. So they rang me up and I can remember thinking do I want to go and give the guys a free talk about IP issues, trademarks and domain names? In the end, I decided I would and that's the reason why I am here today. I went and gave them some advice on how to run it from an intellectual perspective. I think she asked me to be President. So I saved a couple of years just as they were getting started. The global governance debate was kicking off. It helped build the -- it helped with the early meetings of the property constituencies and all the people who manage Dot Brazil and Dot so forth. They have the home for the country code managers. She elected me to the board of ICANN. I finished the term there. Seven years there and then I joined the organizing committee for the IGF. So that's probably enough to give some key words for people to pick up on. I am very happy to talk to all of you now or all later. If you come up to me in the corridor, I am quite approachable. Just grab me and ask questions.
>> DAVID NG: If you have questions and also on IGF stuff. We now have Joanne. Let us know what your interest is.
>> JOANNE: I'm from Finland. I was founding the youth coalition with governance and like many other people, I found that I have grown out of this whole youth thing. It's been happening silently and slowly and it's been quite horrible for me to realize it actually. So yeah. N+ 1 for IGF. I have been doing this intern governance for civil societies for quite a while now. That's the sort
of background in IG that I can start providing other people. My background in general is that -- well, I can list various hobbies and professions. I'm a teacher, I'm an activist at electronic in fin land. I'm a political pirate for six years. I do a lot of activists, IP concerning freedom of expression, especially concerning privacy issues and these are so relevant that I find IG very relevant. This is one of the places to synchronize your information around the world about what is going on. If anyone, especially young people who I try to represent, but I really can't do that very well anymore want some hints or tips or whatever, I will be more than happy to take someone's hand or put them in the right direction of where to find more information. That's pretty much it. Go ahead and ask if you want anything else.
>> DAVID NG: Thank you. We have two more guests. And may I introduce Ida.
>> Hello, everybody. My name is Ida. I think I had webinar with some of you. For the rest who don't know me, I work for one world platform dealing with human rights and Internet looking at things through gender perspective. Very fun. I come from Bosnia, which is a small country in Europe for those of you that didn't hear about it. I'm also a (inaudible) member for one year now. This is my fourth IGF. I started with a DiploFoundation and then I started working owning violence against women which brought me to another IGFs. And then I was nominated and selected for artistic holder advisory group, which is MAG, that you previously heard about. I'm trying to send a message, but I'm not sure this is the point of my talk. So I would really like to tell you that as young people, you can do a lot. So from my side, in my country, we never had any kind of down let's on Internet governance. Maybe only among civil society. But when it comes to government and private sector, they don't want to talk. If you come from civil society, they turn their back on you. So my involvement on internet government spaces made me to push the whole outlook and just on the first of
October, I will not say I because I have team of another three amazing women that organized first national governance forum, which was amazing. We had help from OSC and Council of Europe. It was really good. I'm guessing I'm just sending a message that you being here now is a lot that you can really do. Thank you.
>> DAVID NG: May I also have Athen.
>> Efron: I am glad to be here and I am glad to see so many young faces here. We've been working with David, Bianca and (inaudible) here. Is she here?
>> DAVID NG: She's in the other session.
>> EfRon: Most of us are around 18 to around 24. So I'm 23 and we're trying to push this discussion going forward like ways the youth coalition or you don't want this to die or we want to push a new set of principles. Right now there is someone out there and she is studying (inaudible) and we need to insure that as the (inaudible) we need to insure that every panel has a youth representation. They have a youth representation on every panel discussion. So we're trying to push this discussion going forward. There's a lot you can do. The youth we have a majority of the internet users but theydom this discussion and we're the minority. Rarely you see someone below 25 sitting down with diplomats and corporations to discuss about internet governance issues. For the first time, the UN security (inaudible) and IGS had three youth. For the first year since the IGF came into being as part of the MAG, Bianca, David and I, the youth we are the majority of the Internet users, but we don't get to make decisions. We need try and change that. You don't need (inaudible) meetings physically. For me, some of these meetings I do online because of the resources issues and the difficulty. I'm from Kenya. You have the Internet. That's the power that you have. You can follow this cause and you can participate in all these things. You're not going to get any more advantage value. This is out of passion to try and get the youth voice out there. I don't know. And
in case you want to interact more, I will be glad. You should join the Facebook group, yeah. Check out the web site. Let's keep the discussion going forward. I know Friday is a meeting to discuss the future of the youth coalition in governance. They're trying to come up with elections and trying to come up with original representation in every region. We have had very good representation in Latin America and it's good you are having this meeting here. This discussion is going to go forward and you are going to get more representation from various regions. Yeah. Take this discussion forward. Thank you very much.
>> DAVID NG: Okay. Thank you, EfRon. May I also invite (inaudible).
>> Sorry I came here late. My name is Afree dorria. I have never got used to thinking of myself as an older person. So I'm actually quite excited to see far more youth getting involved and I don't mean just participating. We've got someone from the youth group being one of the moderators on one of our sessions and so actually getting involved and noticing this in the MAG. I don't think there's even a question of whether you can or can't do anything within the IGF becaused IGM and I've been attending all ten of them used to be a member of the secretariat and I no longer am. Basically it really is a space that anything you want to do you claim it and you do it. You know? Whether it's getting workshops, whether it's putting on other sessions, whether it's bringing publications, what have you. It really is open and it's yours to grab. And not certainly wait for invitations or open. The rest of us are admonished to pay attention and some of us really try to. But you shouldn't wait for people to actually pay attention. I think you just have to demand it and do it. I don't know what else I would say.
>> DAVID NG: We also invite Ginger.
>> Ginger: Hello. I apologize for Areaching late. I was with another youth. Duties doing very, very well, but not with did us until later Ginger Pocket. I work with the DiploFoundation. I lived for 35 years in
Venezuela where it was very hard to get involved in Internet governance. So I am extremely happy to see that Ambassadors have several Venezuelans and I agree with the speaker that we need to get more youth. We need to get more Latin Americans involved. So, my take on IT, ITF and my biggest excitement comes with bringing in multi-lingual groups, diversity young groups and greater inclusion with remote participation. I don't know how many people we have online. I think we have Bianca online. We need to all be willing and able to bring our colleagues in to bring our friends in, to bring the people who can't be here. ITF and ITprocesses take place 365 days a year. We should already be writing our contributions for the next ITF. We should already be preparing and starting to work towards the next IGF. What's happening here is the end product. We've been working on it for a year. I also invite all of you to give me any information or any -- look to me for any support that I give you. Check in with me later if you have any more questions. Check out the daily summary we have if you want any orientation or checking on any issues.
>> DAVID NG: Thank you. We would like to separate groups around to make sure everyone we talk to can be our guests. Our second copy will move and separate into groups with chairs. So I would like to move a bit on the format. I would like to invite everyone of our youth to stand up and just feel free to reach out to our guests and talk to them and also talk among yourselves shares about your experience in IG and even why you are here and your expectation for the future engagement in intra governance. So may I invite you to just stand up and come to our guests in a very informal setting. Thank you.
>> DAVID NG: Attention, please. For every youth, you can just move around and (inaudible) will stay in your place. Feel free to grab the last 10 minutes before we wrap up to meet some of the guests, if you like. So, for you, you can just move around. It's a time for swap and rotation and then you can have 10 minutes to do so. It's okay to keep
talking or you can swap. Just feel free. I want to thank every one of you for joining this meeting. Maybe we can have a round of applause to our guests and all our participants and give a big hand for everyone who joined.
Thank you all for your time. This is right now (inaudible). You can feel free to get lunch or you can still stay here because I think the session is still open for everyone to join. So if you like, you can just stay here. If not, you guys can feel free to go for lunch. Thank you once again for everyone for coming. Thank you.