Aguerre, Carolina

Carolina Aguerre is associate Professor at the Department of Humanities and Communication at the Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU) and honorary co-director at the Centre for Technology and Society (CETYS), at Universidad de San Andrés (Argentina). Her research interests include theories and practices around the governance of communications technologies and infrastructures, particularly the Internet and Artificial intelligence, the intersection with political economy and north-south perspectives. Since 2017 she is the academic director of DiGI, Diploma on Internet Governance focusing on developing high capabilities for Internet governance from scholars and practitioners in the LAC region. Some of her most recent and relevant publications concerning the internet and digital governance are ¨Global Digital Data Governance: Polycentric Perspectives¨ (Routledge, 2024) edited volume with Malcom Campbell-Verduyn and Jan Aart Scholte, The legacies of long tail and the unfolding of consolidation and concentration in the top-level domain sector (Journal of Cyberpolicy, 2024); Open government, civic tech and digital platforms in Latin America: A governance study of Montevideo's urban app ‘Por Mi Barrio’ (Information Systems Journal, 2023); The who, the what and the how. Mapping stakeholders, issues and mechanisms of Internet governance in Latin America (PoliTICs, 2020). In 2020 she was part of the UNESCO adhoc expert working group on the Recommendations on the Ethics of AI and between 2012-2014 she was a MAG member of the IGF. She was a resident fellow at the CGR21 (2020-2021) at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany). Between 2011-2016 she was general manager at LACTLD. She has a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Buenos Aires and an MA from Goldsmiths College, University of London.