Carolina Aguerre is currently the General Manager of LACTLD, association of ccTLDs in Latin American and Caribbean region. She has been a researcher at the Technology and Society Center at the University of San Andrés in Buenos Aires and lecturer at the same institution and visiting lecturer at the Catholic University of Uruguay. She is pursuing her doctoral studies on the national dimensions of Internet governance. She is a CONICET (Argentine National Council for Science and Technology) doctoral fellow. She has been involved in research for the Argentine Ministry of Science and Innovation and for non-governmental organizations such as AMARC Latin America and the Caribbean, Convenio Andrés Bello and CIPPEC (Argentine Think Tank on Public Policy Implementation). She worked in cooperation affairs at the British Embassy in Montevideo. Some of her most recent publications include: “Qualitative and quantitative approaches to ICT usage in the LAC region” (in Spanish) with RosalíaWinocur (in press) (UNESCO editions); “Whitepaper on ICT in Argentina” (in Spanish) (2009) (with G. Baum, A. Artopoulos, I. Albornoz, V. Robert, edited by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Argentina); “ccTLD the local dimension if Internet Governance” (2008) (International Symposium Proceedings, Nagaoka University of Technology); “The interactive generation in Iberoamerica. Children and youth facing the screens. Argentine Chapter” (2008) with A. Artopoulos (Ariel Ediciones, ColecciónFundaciónTelefónica). She is affiliated to GIGANET and IAMCR and attends regional and global IGF.