BPF Cybersecurity (2019)

The 2019 edition of the Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity  explored best practices in relation to recent International Cybersecurity Initiatives. The BPF analysed existing initiatives such as the Paris Call, the GCSC’s Six Critical Norms Towards Cyber Stability, the UN OEWG and GGE, and collected and shared best practices around the implementation of suggested measures. 

BPF  Report 2019

IGF2019 BPF Cybersecurity final output


I. Introduction to the BPF on Cybersecurity

II. Norms and Expected Behaviour in Cyberspace 

III. Cybersecurity Agreements

IV. Turning Cybersecurity Agreements into Actions

V. Review of Cybcersecurity Agreements



BPF Cybersecurity workshop at IGF2019

Wednesday 27 November, IGF2019, Berlin, Germany

Meeting agendaSession reportVideo & transcript


About the BPF Cybersecurity 



Preparatory process

Draft output

The draft BPF Cybersecurity report, published October 2019, combines the background analysis of cybersecurity agreements by a group of subject-experts with the input received through the BPF's Call for Input. The BPF invited feedback on the report and organized a session at the IGF2019 in Berlin.  

The Final IGF2019 BPF Cybersecurity report will soon be published. This report will include further feedback received on the draft as well as reflect insights and discussions from the BPF workshop at IGF2019 in Berlin.

Feedback on the draft report (update 3 Dec)

Contributions in response to the Call for contributions (updated 12 Nov)


Call  for  Contributions

The IGF2019 BPF Cybersecurity launched a call for contributions to collect input and best practice examples from the stakeholder community.

deadline: the BPF accepts contributions and input on a rolling basis. Contributions received by Sept 20 will be included in the draft BPF report published before the IGF meeting. Contributions after Sept 20 will be posted on this website and serve as input for the BPF discussions before and at IGF2019 in Berlin. They will be incorporated in the final BPF output report. More details on the call for contributions and its questionnaire can be found here https://www.intgovforum.org/content/bpf-cybersecurity-2019-contributions .

Background document 

The BPF Cybersecurity is focusing on international agreements and initiatives on cybersecurity. The main objective of this year's effort is to identify best practices related to the implementation, operationalization, and support of different principles, norms, and policy approaches contained in these international agreements/initiatives by individual signatories and stakeholders.

For a better understanding of the types of agreements we are investigating, we recommend reading the background paper published in July and available here (.pdf) . The paper provides an overview of international agreements and initiatives by focusing on the (i) identification of spaces for agreement, (ii) assessment of the state of existing agreements and (iii) next steps for implementation.


Background paper to the IGF Best Practices Forum on Cybersecurity

Participate in the BPF

Participation in the work of the BPF Cybersecurity is free and open to all interested. Please subscribe to the mailing list to keep track of the latest developments.

For general inquiries on the BPF Cybersecurity please contact bpf-cybersecurity-info@intgovforum.org .


Intended work plan for 2019

  • Meeting I on scoping the work of the BPF  -  March 12 / 20
  • Development of initial research papers by team volunteers  -  late March to early May
  • Meeting II to review the research papers, take any resulting decisions and begin scoping the public Call for Contributions  -  early May
  • Launch call for contributions  -  early/mid May (with deadline mid July)
  • Outreach to specific actors, e.g. signatories to agreements being explored, governments, other key stakeholders  -  starting mid May
  • Drafting of the BPF report and engagement with the BPF where needed to broaden input  -  mid July to late August
  •  Meeting III to discuss the draft BPF report and planning the BPF session at IGF 2019
  • Publish the draft report for community input ahead of IGF 2019  -  by 8th October (6 weeks before IGF 2019)

Meeting Summaries and Announcements:

IGF Code of Conduct