Call for Information

The Internet Governance Forum was created by the World Summit on the Information Society as a multistakeholder discussion platform on Internet governance related issues. The goals of the IGF are to provide a platform for information exchange, identify emerging challenges and possible solutions to addressing them, provide capacity building, identify and disseminate best practices and forge partnerships for concrete actions.


Over the past few years, some sceptics of the IGF have suggested that no actions have been taken and that no decisions are made at the IGF - that it is just a “talk shop”.


In order to dissipate those doubts about the “action orientation” of the IGF it would be useful to collect data about concrete actions and decisions that have been taken by different stakeholders as a result of the engagement and discussions of Internet related issues at the various IGFs (international, regional or national).


In this respect, I would like to invite all of those organizations and institutions that would be willing to share information, on a voluntary basis, about concrete decisions or actions that have been taken as a result of engagement during the current mandate of the IGF the 2011, 2012 and 2013 IGFs to do so by sending brief information to the IGF Secretariat ( by 1 August 2014. The Secretariat will compile all information received and will present a synthesized report at the Istanbul IGF.


Thank you for your participation


Janis Karklins
Chair of the MAG