Call for Inputs: Taking Stock of the 10th IGF and Suggestions for the 11th IGF

All IGF stakeholders are invited to submit inputs to the IGF Secretariat related to the following questions:

A) Taking Stock of the 10th IGF: What worked well? What worked not so well?


B) Suggestions for improvements for the 11th IGF meeting in 2016?

All inputs should be sent to igfcallforinputs2016_at_intgovforum_dot_org by 19 February 2016. Please limit your submissions to no more than 4 pages single-spaced in MS Word, PDF or applicable format. Submissions will be uploaded to the IGF website. 

The Secretariat will produce a synthesis paper of all contributions received by the deadline, which will serve as an input to the 1st face-to-face Open Consultations and MAG Meeting of the 2016 IGF preparatory process.