25 OCTOBER 2013
The following is the output of the real-time captioning taken during the Eigth Meeting of the IGF, in Bali, Indonesia. Although it is largely accurate, in some cases it may be incomplete or inaccurate due to inaudible passages or transcription errors. It is posted as an aid to understanding the proceedings at the session, but should not be treated as an authoritative record.
>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Would the Closing Session speakers please come up and sit in the front? Thank you very much.
Ladies and gentlemen, we'll start the Closing Session in about 4 minutes. Thank you very much.
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. We're about to start the Closing Session. Would the Closing Session speakers please come up and sit in the front? Thank you very much.
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, if we could all take our seats, and then we can start. We will try and make this Closing Ceremony quick. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Closing Session of IGF 2013, the 8th annual IGF meeting.
I would like to introduce Mr. Ashwin Sasongko who is the Chair of the meeting since the Minister could not be with us.
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you, Mr. Chengetai Masango. Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to open the Closing Ceremony of IGF 2013 in Bali. We'll hear from 10 speakers representing all stakeholder groups who will make some closing remarks. It is my honor to introduce the first speaker, Ms. Elia Armstrong, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNDESA, speaking on behalf of Wu Hongbo, United Nations Under Secretary‑General for Economic and Social Affairs.
>> ELIA ARMSTRONG: Thank you very much, Mr. Chair. Distinguished participants, it is my pleasure to make some closing remarks on behalf of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs as the delegate and convenor of the 8th IGF. I would first like to thank His Excellency, Mr. Tifatul Sembiring, Minister of Commune cases and Information Technology, of the Republic of Indonesia represented here by Mr. Ashwin Sasongko, for Chairing this meeting, and the hard work of his Ministry.
I also recognize the Indonesian multistakeholder Organising Committee for their materials organising efforts. I would like to thank APJII, PANDI and HIVOS for all their efforts, as well, and all the other local and international organisations that contributed both financially and in‑kind, which allowed this meeting to happen.
I also recognize UN colleagues from the Department of Public information for their continuous coverage and outreach, our dear friends from the offices of Geneva, Bangkok and Jakarta for providing excellent conference services, security and interpretation, and of course, the IGF Secretariat whose tireless work over the past year has made this IGF a success, with the guidance of MAG.
I give special thanks to the dedicated live transcription team for their outstanding work in enabling effective communication, and we should not forget the organisers of all the workshops and numerous sessions that were central to the overall success of the IGF.
Last but not least, I sincerely thank all of you as an integral part of the IGF community for your active and in‑depth participation. It was nice to see multistakeholder activism in action.
Distinguished participants, nearly 1500 Delegates representing 111 different countries are with us in Bali. As in Baku at the 7th IGF, Civil Society was the highest represented stakeholder group. Remote participation again more than doubled the active participation. 135 workshops, open forums and other meetings offered an unmatched menu of topics related to Internet Governance for you to engage in.
This year's IGF could not have come at a more opportune time. New cybersecurity threats and revelations of widespread Internet surveillance are only two emerging issues that the multistakeholder community must address. Your deliberations will be taken forward into other processes in 2014 and beyond. As we have heard, 2013 and 2014 are run‑up years for defining a post‑2015 vision of Sustainable Development. They're also run‑up years for the WSIS+10 review.
Last month, the 68th UN General Assembly session launched the high‑level political Forum that replaces the Commission on Sustainable Development, and will serve as the vehicle to implement the Rio+20 outcome. This week, while we discussed Building Bridges: Enhancing Multistakeholder Cooperation for Growth and Sustainable Development in Bali, the General Assembly's second Committee met to take up ICTs for development in New York. Many Delegates advocated for greater broadband deployment, reducing the cost of technologies and capacity building for greater use and application, as well as an upgrade of the quality and quantity of telecommunication infrastructure.
They called for an open and accessible Internet, where future users and innovators can safely and securely reside. These discussions point out to the need for ICTs to enable Sustainable Development. We at DESA have also identified inclusive governance as an enabler of Sustainable Development.
It seems that Internet Governance targets both of these enablers. IGF allows for collective visioning of the deployment of the Internet governed through a bottom‑up, inclusive, transparent, and accountable multistakeholder process to reach out to all peoples to have more fulfilling lives.
Considering this collective challenge, the 8th IGF, in my opinion, has delivered on its theme of Building Bridges. The UN looks forward to convening the 9th IGF in 2014 to continue deliberations on the great enablers of Sustainable Development, the Internet, and inclusive governance.
This closure brings us to the next IGF cycle. Let us work together to ensure that the IGF continues to grow and prosper. Let us strengthen our existing partnerships, build any ones and invite new stakeholders to the IGF community.
I wish you a safe trip home from this beautiful island of Bali. See you next year. Thank you.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you, Ms. Armstrong, for your remarks. Our next speaker is Mr. Markus Kummer, the Interim Chair of the Open Consultations and MAG meetings. Mr. Kummer, you have the floor.
>> MARKUS KUMMER: Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, dear colleagues and friends, I have the honor and privilege to Chair the preparatory process of this meeting, and I'm pleased with the result. In the IGF tradition, this was the best IGF ever.
[ Applause ]
I would like to thank my colleagues from the Multistakeholder Advisory Group who worked hard to put this programme together, and thank you all. You helped to make this event a success.
When preparing the IGF, we took the recommendations of the CSTD Working Group on IGF seriously. In particular, we followed some recommendations and aimed to shape the session in a way to provide take‑aways and more tangible outputs of the Main and Focus Sessions, the outcome documentation will map out converging and diverging opinions on given questions. We reached out and invited all stakeholders to give us input by formulating key policy questions for each session to shape the discussion.
We improved the integration of National and regional IGF initiatives into the main programme, and we built a comprehensive capacity building track and introduced orientation sessions in order to facilitate the integration of newcomers.
This year, IGF we also introduced innovation into what has been a traditional agenda. Many of the themes were high up on the policy agenda, ranging from the Role of Governments to Internet Governance and multistakeholder principles, Human Rights, cybercrime and spam, to the contribution of the Internet to Sustainable Development and the post‑2015 agenda.
As in previous years, the IGF again presented a unique platform where difficult issues can be addressed in a constructive dialogue between all stakeholders. This was particularly manifested in the many discussions on Government surveillance, and one important conclusion emerged: There is a need for an open multistakeholder discussion on how to find high‑level principles which can guide Governments in the sensitive policy area, and establish trust between all stakeholders.
In other words, the IGF has again proved its worth. It proved to be a one‑stop shop, an annual meeting point where the community gathers to exchange information. This also reflects a recommendation if the Working Group on IGF improvements. This year's meeting managed to catalyze broad support. This energy needs to be preserved and translated into a stable and sustainable funding situation of the IGF Secretariat.
Let me make use of this opportunity to call on all stakeholders to contribute to this cause. Of course, there is room for further improvements, and we will work hard towards this objective. When a meeting is over, preparations start for the next meeting. This IGF is over today, and we need to start the planning for the 2014 meeting tomorrow.
We will start with a review process and ask stakeholders to tell us what worked well and what worked less well, and what needs to be improved in next year's meeting.
The IGF Secretariat will also issue a call for nominations for the MAG renewal shortly, with the objective to have a renewed MAG in place for the first planning meeting in February next year. Let me conclude by thanking the IGF Secretariat led by Chengetai. They all did an amazing job, with very limited resources.
[ Applause ]
My thanks also go to UNDESA represented here by Elia Armstrong for providing the institutional home to the IGF Secretariat.
And last but not least, a big thank you to the Indonesian hosts for their gracious hospitality and excellent organisation. Thank you for your attention.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you, Mr. Kummer, for your remarks, and thank you also for the applause.
Our next speaker is Mr. Semmy Pangerapan from the Indonesian Internet Association ‑‑ Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association, and also Mr. Pangerapan is the IGF 2013 Indonesian Organising Committee. Mr. Pangerapan, you have the floor.
[ Applause ]
>> SEMMY PANGERAPAN: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, for the time and opportunity. This is my biggest fear to speak in front of the people. I've never been speaking, so forgive me if I have looked so nervous.
Distinguished guests, participants ladies and gentlemen, I'm speaking on behalf of APJII, the Indonesia Internet Service Provider Association which was established in 1996 and has grown to its current membership of 283 ISPs. In 1997, we were appointed as National Internet registry by APNIC, and by now, we are allocated IP address for more than 600 institutions in Indonesia. The Association also operate the Indonesia Internet exchange in 9 locations nationwide.
APJII first encountered the IGF in 2010. In November 2012, we signed the ID‑IGF Declaration between the Civil Society and private sector stakeholders, with endorsement from Government of Indonesia. Since then, we have been committed to a multistakeholder Internet Governance process in Indonesia.
Our preparation for the 2013 IGF has not been easy, but it demonstrated how an open dialogue and an open mind can serve a solid ground for multistakeholder Internet Governance practices, which we believe is a triumph for a future generation of Internet users.
The operation of the event was also conducted by Committees from various institutions, a true Multistakeholder Collaboration. IP version 6 has a special place in this IGF. We deployed IPv6 through multihoming provider and we are happy to announce that IPv6 traffic reach more than 20% of the total traffic, which is more than the traffic in the world.
[ Applause ]
On behalf of the Indonesia IGF Committee I would like to express our gratitude to UNDESA, IGF Secretariat, and to all members of MAG for the support and trust in conducting the 8th IGF in Bali, Indonesia.
We would like to thank donor agencies and sponsors, both nationally and internationally, the Ministry of The Communication and Information technology of Indonesia, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Indonesia for all kindness support.
And last but not least I would like to express our special gratitude to all Committee members and volunteers. Without your dedication and hard working, this event could not be done as it is. I would like to ask you to stand up for all Committee and volunteers who help the IGF.
[ Applause ]
At the end of my speech, I would like to thank for all participants for your contributions and vibrant discussions in this IGF. Your ideas and arguments will fundamentally shape the Internet Governance globally in the near future. And at the end, we would like to apologize for any inconveniences incurred during the event. We wish you a pleasant flight back home and please enjoy Bali beforehand. Thank you.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you, Mr. Pangerapan, for your remarks, and also for the support of all the volunteers. Our next speaker is Ms. Anne‑Rachel Inné, the COO of AfriNIC. You have the floor.
[ Applause ]
>> ANNE‑RACHEL INNÉ: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen, it's a pleasure to be here with you. It's a pleasure to be at IGF VII in Bali and on behalf of my colleagues I would like to thank our host first for the really good and wonderful welcome we received here.
So we were in Montevideo earlier this month, and our organisations responsible for the management and coordination of the Internet technical architecture, infrastructure, met to discuss among other things the future of Internet Governance, and we identified the need for ongoing efforts to address ongoing challenges.
To this end, we agreed to catalyze community‑wide efforts towards the evolution of global multistakeholder Internet cooperation.
What better place to start these efforts than the IGF. The meeting here in Bali allowed us to reach out to the stakeholders to explore how to move forward. Once again, if need there was, the IGF has proved its usefulness as a platform for multistakeholder dialogue. In our view, there's no better way to discuss an important and delicate issues. It is a truism, but no stakeholder group can do it alone.
Policymakers need the input from the technical community. The legal and regulatory framework needs to evolve based on solid understanding of the underlying technology. Policymakers also need to understand what is economically viable, and policymakers as well as technologists need to understand what is socially acceptable.
The business community and Civil Society need certainty that their objectives can be met and their own important concerns can be addressed, that we have a safe and progressive path forward. Not everything that is feasible is desirable. For this reason, the dialogue between all stakeholder groups is essential for a healthy Internet ecosystem.
As signatories of the Montevideo statement we have followed with interest the discussions after its publication, including the discussions during this week at IGF. We appreciate the generally positive reception that the statement received, and the opportunity to open inclusive discussions since then regarding the way forward. We intend to continue the discussions beyond the meeting in a fully open manner, with the aim to improve the mechanisms for multistakeholder Internet cooperation.
We encourage wide participation by all parties ‑‑ Governments, Civil Society, business and technical community ‑‑ on an equal footing in the spirit of the IGF.
We hope that all interested parties will be involved, and there is much work to be done in planning and preparation for the meeting that is expected to take place in Brazil in May 2014. While the proposed Brazil meeting was not a subject of discussion in Montevideo, we welcome this one‑off opportunity to advance the discussion on how best to address global Internet Governance challenges.
We hope that it will be possible to maintain the open and collaborative spirit of Internet cooperation which we witnessed at the Bali IGF meeting. It is indeed for the further evolution of Internet Governance in the preparatory work for the meeting in Brazil.
Our efforts to catalyze community‑wide efforts are complementary to and build on the IGF. This week has convinced us that we need to strengthen the capacity of the IGF to prepare, run, and follow up to the annual meetings. The Secretariat is understaffed and underfunded. And we are committed to put the IGF Secretariat on a stable and sustainable financial basis, and we call for matching commitments from business and Civil Society, each according to their means. This is for the future of the Internet and the benefits it can bring to all of us.
We also call for the UN to help us in our efforts and to strengthen the Secretariat. The UN can help us to reach out to potential donors. Furthermore, the position of special Advisor to the Secretary‑General has been vacant for nearly three years. It is urgent to fill this vacancy. We ask the UN staff present here to convey this message to the Secretary‑General. Thank you, Madam Armstrong.
It was an excellent meeting. On a particularly technical note, as you just heard from our colleague from the local Committee, you may not have noticed that IPv6 services were provided on the IGF network but it was used by a great many of you for your connectivity this week. In fact, Internet traffic averaged 30 megabytes per second on IPv6 out of 150 megabytes in total during the week. IPv6 represented over 20% of all IGF traffic, which we were of course very glad to see.
Let me conclude by thanking our hosts for their hospitality and efficiency in providing the infrastructure for this year's meeting. Their smiling faces contributed much to the success of the event.
Let me also thank the UN and the IGF Secretariat for their hard work. Chengetai and his team deserve to be commended for organising such a rich ‑‑
[ Applause ]
‑‑ such a rich and vibrant meeting on a shoe string. Thank you very much for your attention.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you, Ms. Inné, for your remarks. Our next speaker is Ms. Shita Laksmi from HIVOS, the Humanist Institute for Cooperation Indonesia, and she's a member of the IGF 2013 Indonesian Organising Committee. Ms. Laksmi, you have the floor, please.
>> SHITA LAKSMI: Thank you very much, Chair. Distinguished guests, participants, ladies and gentlemen, this event started in November 2012 when we established the Indonesia Internet Governance Forum, or what we called ID‑IGF. The establishment of the Forum was based upon our own recognitions that management of the Internet is not just a technical matter, but also an engagement with issues of economy, Human Rights, law, security, education and development. Internet Governance therefore calls for the active participation of a wide stakeholder.
Starting with these values, the Indonesia Internet Governance Forum Committees believe that multistakeholder principles should be reflected in our work from the beginning to the end. We have implemented this principle during our preparation for this IGF by ensuring multistakeholder representatives at all levels. We have engaged Government agencies, businesses, Civil Society, academicians and technical communities by appointing the representative in the steering and Organising Committees. This multistakeholder process also shapes the way we raise financial support for the event.
This was and still is a challenging journey for us but we believe that by sustaining this principle among Indonesia Internet communities we are on our way to building a durable multistakeholder Internet Governance framework in Indonesia. The Indonesian Civil Society has played an important role in this journey. Civil Society sits as equal with other stakeholders and together we ensure the transparency and accountability principles are upheld. To put this in practice we have decided that the audited financial statement for the 2013 IGF will be provided publicly.
We believe that this step represent a milestone both for Indonesia and IGF globally. Finally, allow me to express my gratitude to those who have taken part in the preparation of this IGF and especially to recognize the energy, the passion, and the sleepless nights that many of us have kept during the process.
We would like to thank our Supporting Organisation and sponsors, and for all the participants, I hope you all have had memorable discussions and experiences during your time in Bali. Thank you very much, and see you in the next IGF.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you. And Ms. Laksmi also had a significant role in setting up the IGF Indonesia in supporting to this event.
Our next speaker is Mr. Virat Bhatia, Chairman, Communications and Digital Economy Committee, Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, President of IEA, AT&T South Asia. Mr. Bhatia, you have the floor.
>> VIRAT BHATIA: Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, distinguished participants, ladies and gentlemen, first on behalf of business, I thank Bali. Terima‑kasih, Bali.
As the 8th IGF draws to a close it's my pleasure to address you on behalf of global business community to the International Chambers of Commerce and the BASIS initiative that is Business Action to Support Information Society, for those who might not be aware. On behalf of myself and the BASIS members, the business would like to sincerely thank our hosts the Government of Indonesia for their warm hospitality and for the opportunity to convene in the beautiful city of Bali for this year's IGF.
In coming together in this Forum, we have been able to discuss pressing issues on how we can collectively build a more secure and accessible Internet for all, one which will enable us to continue and expand its value as a positive, unparalleled social and economic force. Over the next past few days, we have exchanged best practices and debated a wide range of key topics that will continue to pose questions of policy as the Internet evolves further. Questions extending from infrastructure deployment to mobile innovation, to new business models for machine to machine deployment, to the topic of Government surveillance and distinct issues of commercial practices with data and of course the conversations about Human Rights, free speech, security, and Data Protection.
All these topics have a place at a multistakeholder setting of the IGF. Indeed, where else can they be discussed in such an open and comprehensive manner? While business continues to progress, the multistakeholder model of governance, it also recognizes that now, more than ever, it is time to reenergize the concept and practice of consultative multistakeholder governance.
At a time when we're witnessing significant energy in the dynamics between Governments and other stakeholder groups we need to promote greater cooperation amongst all organisations across the spectrum: Civil Society, private sector, Government, academia and the technical community. Business joins other stakeholders in supporting the multistakeholder approach, rather than the creation of new entities.
It is integral to strengthening communication between diverse groups and for building a unified approach to Internet policy development. In the context of all the valuable conversations here, we have learned several new initiatives designed to enhance and reaffirm multistakeholder participation in Internet Governance from Montevideo to Brazil. Business underscores the need for all initiatives to find a structured way to appropriately involve all stakeholders on an equal footing in the development and implementation of these proposals, and to assure transparency and accountability to stakeholders.
It must be a journey to which everyone feels invited to contribute. IGF remains the home of the most inclusive debate. The IGF is the greatest testimony to the impact of a multistakeholder model in sharing opinion and perspectives, and providing platform to inform policy making around the world at all levels.
Nothing should be allowed to obstruct the value the IGF continues to deliver. That is why business continues to Champion IGF and we look ahead to these initiatives, we believe that the model of inclusive participation embodies in the heart of delivering successful outcomes in the future.
A great deal of systemic change has happened this year. The world has come to understand more clearly than ever before the important role that Government policy can play in global Internet, and the way in which it can grow or fragment. As a result, governance of the Internet is under more scrutiny than it has ever been before, and we must work together to ensure that it continues to serve the public interest, and it continues to grow in a manner that fosters availability and adoption. We must be careful to avoid fragmentation of Internet to National policies that dilute its global nature.
Business agrees that Governments globally have an important role in Internet policy discussions. Equally it recognizes that achieving sustainable outcomes requires a respectful and informed balance of interests amongst all stakeholders based on a meaningful engagement and a comprehensive understanding of the consequences of any policy decision.
To bring my remarks now to a close, we have accomplished a lot in the last four days, and indeed, in the last 8 years. It is for this reason that the business calls for IGF's continuity beyond 2015. Business opposes a multilateral or intergovernmental approach to Internet Governance. It is clear to me and to the rest of the business community that having a meaningful representative and inclusive process for debate and decision‑making is fundamental to supporting the Internet's dynamic growth.
For this to happen, we must strengthen the financial and political mechanism that supports IGF and its leadership as has been mentioned by the speakers before me. IGF remains vital for protecting and promoting a free and open Web on which business thrive and which continues to empower societies, economies, our youth, and especially the underprivileged across the globe. Thank you.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you, Mr. Bhatia. I would like to invite our next speaker, Ms. Keisha Taylor. Ms. Taylor, you have the floor.
>> KEISHA TAYLOR: Good afternoon, all. And thank you, Bali, Indonesia, for hosting the Internet Governance Forum. Everywhere I went, the creativity and friendliness and hospitality of the Indonesian people reminded me of the need to remember the ultimate beneficiaries of the Internet: Its users. I have been given the honor of speaking on behalf of Civil Society today, an IGF stakeholder that is as vast as it is diverse. But one that is essential to continuing the growth of the Internet and Sustainable Development for us all.
This year's theme focused on Building Bridges, and today, it is only through cooperation and multistakeholder practices that this can be achieved. I commend the MAG for supporting the rotation of meetings to encourage participation by multiple stakeholders in various regions of the world, but also e‑Participation, because as we know, sometimes it is not just distance, lack of support, and lack of resources that prevent more widespread participation, but limited awareness, language, and the constraints that come with international travel today.
This year's IGF finds much more engagement of youth, reflection on past IGF successes, and thoughts on the possibilities for the future of its multistakeholder approach. In addition, the possibilities of data, facility economic development but also the challenges this presents was also certainly center stage. This is important. It is estimated that by 2020, the digital universe will reach 40 zetabytes, which 40 trillion gigabytes of data, or 5,200 gigabytes of data for every person on earth. At this IGF, one which has a majority of Civil Society participants, we could also observe the sessions notably changed from lectures to discussions and remote participation where connectivity was achieved continued to involve and inform.
We must innovate and use evolving technology to ensure that no matter the distance, we all have a say. Access to the Internet has in the past been a key topic in IGF discussion. Today, arguably many presume that access will increase, particularly because of the proliferation of mobile phones and other initiatives to promote access to the Internet.
However, coming from a small island state myself, Trinidad and Tobago, the limitations and challenges of Internet access in small island states, lesser developed economies and rural areas must continue to be discussed so that progress can indeed be made, and the next billion users from across the globe can also connect and not be left behind.
I have been focusing on the benefits of the use of data for development, but in a way that also addresses rising concerns which include privacy and inclusion, and the ethics of such use for many years, including in workshops at this very IGF. This year, I found out many workshops even those that were not data related also started to address these issues. This is a challenge, but as the development of technology continues to intertwine with the use of data, it is one we must urgently address.
These issues can be mitigated by cooperation of all stakeholders, inclusion of Civil Society and learning from each other and about each other. The open data world is growing in part because of the idea that as we continue ‑‑ because of the idea that you would never ‑‑ because of the idea that by opening up your data, someone somewhere will do something useful with it that you would never have dreamt of. It is with this in mind that I ask that we continue to open up our discussion and as well as Internet Governance possesses to others and support collaboration to ensure that the right solutions to existing and unforeseen problems are found for the continued growth of the Internet and for Sustainable Development.
I hope the discussions of this week and the friendliness and innovation of the Balinese people will resonate with you all. Thank you for the opportunity to represent and speak on behalf of Civil Society. Terima‑kasih.
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you for remarks. It seems everybody now is start to learn Indonesian words. Terima‑kasih, and also I'm using this here, this is Friday and in Indonesia, usually on Friday we leave our office.
So ladies and gentlemen, our next speaker is Ambassador Benedicto Fonseca Filho, head of the Department of Scientific and Technological Affairs, Ministry of External Relations of Brazil. Ambassador Fonseca, you have the floor.
>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: Anybody from Brazil? No? We have Everton.
>> EVERTON LUCERO: Thank you very much, Mr. President. Actually, Ambassador Benedicto had an earlier flight, and I present his excuses that he is not able to be with us at this final session. So in the name of the Brazilian Government, I have the pleasure to congratulate you for the excellent meeting that we've all had, and the opportunity that we have to be together here to discuss openly and frankly all those issues that are of highest concern to us related to the future of Internet Governance.
The Brazilian Government is fully committed to the IGF as it could be seen by the high level of representation that we've had at this meeting, headed by our Minister of Communications, Minister Paulo Bernardo, who delivered a speech at the Opening Session. And also by the strong presence of a multistakeholder Delegation from our own country, including members of the Civil Society, business, academic communities, as well as the Government.
It is a great honor for us to be able to come here with an open proposal and an open invitation that now I renew to everyone to join us in planning, organising, and participating at the meeting that we are planning to hold to host in Brazil next year.
It is with these final remarks that I leave this open invitation with you, and I thank you all for the attention and the interaction that we've had in this very productive meeting. Thanks to the Secretariat, to the organisers, and to all of those who are involved and dedicated themselves for such a great event. Thank you very much.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you. And our next speaker is Mr. Meyer from the City of Mexico. You have the floor, please.
>> EIKAR MEYER: The Mexican Delegation would like to thank everyone for the excellent organisation of this Forum, and we welcome the presence of different sectors which make up the Internet. I think that this will lay the foundation for improving the Internet, and will focus on the inclusive nature and transparent and responsible nature. It will allow us to move forward and to develop policies, public policies, that would ensure digital development, would allow access to technology for everyone, and would improve public policies in this area.
The digital space is facing a major issue. We need to confront the challenges of this century in terms of technology. Mexico's development have included communication technologies. These must continue to be developed in line with the five Public Policy measures: Global responsibility and others. Hence the Government of Mexico has decided that in order to promote this type of development, it in June of 2013 published an historic handbook on this subject. We're trying to create better economic capacity in this Internet sphere. We're trying to ensure universal coverage for telecommunications, Internet, and TV. We are also trying to ensure means of access for everyone that would ensure content for everyone and that would fulfill our final objectives.
This would help us to of course ensure free access to the Internet. This is a responsibility of the State. We have to guarantee technology, guarantee communication, including at a broadband level.
We have specific objectives for training and communication. We're trying to improve our development by using these communication technologies. This therefore provides us with an opportunity and a historic opportunity, and we believe in Mexico that this jump forward will help us to strengthen existing infrastructure. The Internet must be accessible to everyone, all of humanity, and Information Technology needs to be accessible to everyone.
This should not be an economic question. We should improve everyone's living standards with no exception. That's why the IGF is so important. It plays a constructive role and we in the Government of Mexico support the way in which different sectors have been willing to participate in this we've seen different stakeholders. In 2017 ‑‑ you heard this from Mexico ‑‑ the Government of Mexico welcomes you. We are actively participating in Internet Governance. We hope to be able to achieve our strategic objectives. I hope to see you all in Mexico in 2017.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you, Mr. Meyer.
Next I would like to invite the representatives of next year's IGF host country, Mr. Tayfun Acarer, Chairman of the Information Technologies and Communications Authority of Turkey, and Mr. Ihsan Durdu, Advisor to Minister, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Turkey, to say a few words. Mr. Acarer and Mr. Durdu, please join us on the podium.
>> TAYFUN ACARER: Thank you, Mr. Chairman, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. First of all I would like to introduce myself. I am Dr. Tayfun Acarer. I am President of ICT Authority of Turkey. Our Authority deals with all regulatory issues in ICT, as well as Internet development policies in Turkey. I will also introduce Mr. Ihsan Durdu and another gentleman. They are advisers to Minister of Transport and Communication of Turkey. I personally thank you for your support in choosing Istanbul as the next meeting city of this event. Now I want to invite Mr. Ihsan Durdu and he will give additional information on 9th IGF 2014. Thank you very much all of you, and host country Indonesia for hospitality. Thank you very much.
[ Applause ]
>> IHSAN DURDU: Thank you, Dr. Acarer. My name is Ihsan Durdu. I am the Advisor to the Minister of Transport and Communications of Turkey, and we would like to officially declare that we, as Ministry of Transport and Communications of Turkey, are the candidate for the 9th IGF 2014 to organise in the beautiful historical city of Istanbul, Turkey.
As the Republic of Turkey, we strongly believe in multistakeholder processes, in Internet Governance. We find IGF as the right platform to discuss all details of governance issues. The challenges that we decision makers face in policy development can be best handled at this platform. Its comprehensive and detailed discussions help us to guide our policies. We value IGF and show our commitment for existence. And its success by offering our contributions. That's why we are interested to hold the conference next year. We appreciate all the efforts made by ITU, UN, and other multistakeholders to keep this IGF platform processing ‑‑ progressing.
We would also appreciate ICANN's support on this. As many of you know already that ICANN has chosen Istanbul for their next hub after Los Angeles as part of their internationalization process. We as our NGOs industry, individual citizens and our Government appreciate ICANN very much for its decision. We thank all ICANN management, including Director of Board, Steve Crocker, CEO Mr. Fadi Chehade, and all the Board members for their decision. We thank all ICANN community for their support on this progress.
We would like to confirm our support for the internationalization of ICANN and the Istanbul hub project. We will also do our best to make sure that we would contribute to its development of Internet of the world. It's also very pleasing to see that many international entities choose Istanbul for their regional hub.
Now we would like to show a video on Istanbul and Turkey. Please.
[ Video ]
[ Applause ]
We would like to invite you all to 9th IGF event in September of 2014 in Istanbul. We are sure that you will leave Istanbul with the best memories after the event. Looking forward to seeing you all in Istanbul. Thank you.
[ Applause ]
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Mr. Acarer and Durdu, thank you for your information about the next 2015 IGF. So hope to see all of you in Turkey.
Just before I deliver the closing remarks, I would like to invite IGF Secretariat Mr. Chengetai to give some information and also ‑‑ information. Thank you.
>> CHENGETAI MASANGO: Thank you very much, Chair. First of all, two corrections. The speaker from Mexico meant to say 2016, and the event that the IGF mandate is renewed for another five years after 2015, and Mr. Sasongko meant to say 2014 for next year.
[ Laughter ]
Yes, this is first time we've had three host countries announcing so yes, there's bound to be some confusion.
Okay, I would just like to say a few words. This year has been a rather more interesting year than most as far as IGF are concerned, and I would really like to express my appreciation to everybody, but first of all I'd just like to mention a few people. First of all the Indonesian Organising Committee. I think we worked really well together and we spent a very long time communicating and organising this event. I'd like to thank them, especially from the Ministry of Communication and Information technology, I'd like to say a special thanks to Mr. Ashwin Sasongko for the honorary Chair of the MAG, and also for the help he's given us.
[ Applause ]
And also Mr. Moedjiono, he's the MAG representative from Indonesia, if he's there. Thank you very much.
[ Applause ]
It was his initiative, and also from APJII, first of all I'd like to thank the Chair of APJII, Mr. Semmy Pangerapan. Thank you very much. Thank you. A special thanks to the supporters.
[ Applause ]
I think when he first saw me he didn't think that this seemingly mild mannered person would give him so many headaches on the night. But everything worked out great, and I really do appreciate it. I could call him at any time, even 1:00 Indonesian time, and he would pick up and answer. I have no idea when he slept, but thank you.
And also to Donny and Shita, thank you very much. We interacted with them every other day, weekly, organising this meeting. And lastly, from the Indonesian Committee, I'd like to thank Ola, I don't know if she's here, Ola Siahaan. She organised the room arrangements and everything. It's all her, and she was very good at it. Thank you.
And then first of all, from the UN side, I would like to say a very special thank you to Elia Armstrong and the development management branch, Slava, Riza and Victoria. They're not here, but they did ‑‑
[ Applause ]
‑‑ a lot giving back up to the Secretariat for a very small Secretariat and they picked up the slack when we had a lot to do. Thank you.
And my IGF team. As you know there's only one full‑time staff but it's a team effort. And as you can see if they could please stand up. Most of them are very, very young. Laura, who has been by my side in the office this year.
[ Applause ]
Oh, there she is, yes, Laura, thank you. Brian, of course. He's based in New York, did most of the writing. Sorina, who volunteered to join for this meeting, is very good because as you know the IGF Secretariat depends on volunteers and Sorina has always been very willing to help and also Anju. Stand up, please. They don't get paid, and they've been working long hours, and I'd like to thank them a lot.
And also Farzaneh and Edwin, who joined the team just now. And Daniel, if he's here. Daniel has been the Conference Coordinator since the very beginning. I've been eight IGFs with him. He's right at the back there. Over what, 40 years of experience? 60? Sorry. 30 years of experience.
[ Laughter ]
And also the one intern we have which managed to come here, of course interns are unpaid but she worked very hard, Sirirat. I don't know if she's in the room. No, she's not. She's probably working in the back there. Thank you. And also I'd like to thank the interpreters, the webcasts. Eduardo, is he here? They come from Nairobi.
[ Applause ]
And I am sure you've noticed that the network has worked much better this year, in part due to APJII, of course. I mean, they're brilliant. Indonesia is an Internet Society, Internet countries.
And also with our team, the webcasting et cetera, they handled all of that from UNON, the United Nations Office in Nairobi, and DPI for the news briefings. Thank you very much.
Chris for the security, keeping us safe, Chris Ankersen. And then lastly, but not least, I keep the most important stakeholders last. I'd like to thank the MAG. I think they really did make a great programme for this year. I'd like to thank them very much, and Markus of course who led the MAG as the Chair.
[ Applause ]
Thank you. And the last, of course, the IGF community. I mean, this meeting would not have come about without the IGF community and they really did come together and put their full force behind it. That's why we're sitting here today if. I'd like to thank them very much.
And so just thank you. Merci, my bad French. I would like to say ‑‑
[ Speaking language other than English ]
If I'm understandable. Thank you.
>> ASHWIN SASONGKO: Thank you, Mr. Chengetai. First of all of course I would like to apologize for the mistakes in the numbering in years. It seems that after this IGF, my mathematics get a bit worse. Cannot distinguish between 14 and 15.
Finally anyway allow me to deliver my short closing remarks in this IGF. It is really a big pleasure for me to be able to speak here on this wonderful moment on behalf of the Ministry of Communication and Technology for Indonesia. I'd like to thank the IGF Indonesia and the IGF Secretariat for their hard work in preparing this international event that we have experienced since first arriving at the airport.
I'd like to thank UNDESA and all stakeholders involved to make it possible for these multistakeholders convene in Bali. I'd like to thank all speakers and participants for all your valuable contributions. I believe your information statements, questions, comments, good influence will inspire others and will enhance the value of cyberspace and change the future direction of the Internet. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, the world governing Internet, I believe this is because of the contribution of all stakeholders. Furthermore we also noted governing Internet is a multistakeholder responsibility. It is how to bring more players into the governance of Internet including civil societies, technical communities, academia and Governments. Together this multistakeholder group, this multistakeholder group should be able to maximize the positive activities and minimize the negative activities in the Internet.
Although the positive and negative values may be different country to country but with your understanding and respect, I believe that this great job can be carried out successfully. Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, the world of cyberspace regular space are inextricably linked. I quote the words from our colleagues who explained the value of ethics in our society. There's no society without ethics. I believe it is true in cyberspace. The importance for the global community to take action hand in hand in creating a safe, secure and tolerant cyberspace. Since in the last few years Indonesia have shared a number of international fora, such as ITU Council 2011, ITU 2012 also in Geneva.
Discussion on the revising of the article of ITR International Telecommunication Regulations during the World Conference on telecommunication WCIT Dubai, as well as our contributions about cybersecurity and cooperation among ITU member countries during the ITU Council 2013 in Geneva. Therefore Indonesia will promote its future global meetings. Some have been mentioned like the discussion on the post‑WSIS agenda to establish multistakeholder preparatory platform for 2015 and beyond that would be held in Egypt in 2014. We'll also hold it up in the Ministerial meeting in the coming months of December 2013 in Bali particularly to related issues on e‑Commerce, e‑Business, et cetera.
And also International Summit on Internet Governance for Government, Industry, Civil Society and Academia in Brazil, happening in 2014. And of course in the next IGF in 2014, too.
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, soon each of us will go back to our country, to our organisations and do our business as usual. I hope all the events that you have joined from High Level Leaders Meeting to each focus session of workshop, in this Internet Governance Forum will inspire you to strengthen and enhance our Multistakeholder Cooperation. Last but not least I also hope that the beauty of Bali along with the richness of the culture and values will remain in our memories.
With these comments I would like to close the 8th Internet Governance Forum meeting and pass the Chairman back to UNDESA. Thank you very much.
[ Applause ]
As usual we do in the IGF meeting I would like to close the meeting with this big hammer. We open it with the gong and we close with a smaller gong.
[ Applause ]
[ End of Closing Ceremony ]
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