[NEW] Please complete our survey, which is aimed at collecting examples of practices that can help to create an enabling environment for the adoption of IPv6. The examples will serve as a basis of the BPF's outcome document.
{tab About}
Internet Protocol (IP) addresses uniquely identify devices on the Internet. The original IP addressing scheme, IP version 4 (IPv4), is running out of unallocated numbers while the demand for Internet connections continues to rise. The successor to IPv4 is IP version 6 (IPv6), a new version of the Internet Protocol. Currently, both IPv4 and IPv6 are in use, but the goal of widespread IPv6 adoption is particularly important to maintaining the growing Internet’s global reach and integrity.
A successful deployment of the new addressing scheme will go easier and quicker in an environment that is favorable to IPv6 adoption. This Best Practice Forum (BPF) will seek to collect and describe best practices that could help policymakers in creating an enabling environment for IPv6 adoption. Different practices will depend on the particular characteristics of any given community (e.g. technical, economic, regulatory or legal, human resources) and local factors.
The intent of the BPF is not to define any one, normative solution for all, but rather to describe a number of different policy approaches taken to encourage IPv6 adoption, based on experiences from around the world. These best practices will be shared with the Internet community, in order to assist different stakeholders in supporting IPv6 adoption within their community. The eventual transition to IPv6 will only be successful when all stakeholders, as a community, are all moving together towards this shared goal at the same time, in a collaborative manner. It is not useful if one organization alone adopts IPv6 if the majority of the devices on the Internet keep on using IPv4.
The long-term sustainability of the network, and success of the Internet to accommodate IPv6, depends on getting more organisations to adopt IPv6. As will be explored during the BPF, IPv6 adoption often involves multistakeholder, collaborative, and community-wide efforts. There are different ways in which different stakeholders with their specific roles can each contribute to IPv6 adoption. Contributions from all stakeholders are welcomed and encouraged in this BPF.
The discussions at the BPF on IPv6 will be guided by Technical Community MAG members Izumi Okutani, Susan Chalmers, and German Valdez and supported by a consultant engaged by the IGF Secretariat, Wim Degezelle.
Please download our "Scope and Goals" document to learn more.
{tab Join us}
The BP_IPv6 mailing list is the primary working channel of the BPF on IPv6. The mailing list is open for anyone to subscribe and its archives are publicly available. Information on the mailing list and how to subscribe is available online.
Upcoming virtual calls (click the link to register):
Wednesday Aug 12 14.00-15.00 UTC
Thursday Aug 27 06.00-07.00 UTC
Wednesday Sept 9 08.00-09.00 UTC
Thursday Sept 24 19.00-20.00 UTC
BPF IPv6 work plan and next steps (Sep - Nov)
{tab Best Practice Survey}
Best Practice Survey
The IGF2015 IPv6 Best Practices survey is aimed at collecting examples of Practices that help to create an environment enabling the adoption of IPv6.
Your initiatives will be showcased in a repository on the IGF website and feed into the discussions and outcome document of Best Practice Forum.
When we refer to Practices in this discussion, we refer to the actions that different people and organizations have taken to create an enabling environment for IPv6 adoption in their locality, region, industry, or network. "Practices" can come in the form of case studies, examples, or anecdotes supported by evidence, and they describe the activities, policies or other measures taken by stakeholders to encourage IPv6 adoption. We are not looking for ‘technical practices’.
Please submit your Practices via the online survey at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1NDSeaVeoVCDI-i_cEFpdiMPqucvqmAmQHYu-igd_IoM/viewform?c=0&w=1
Thank you for your cooperation
{tab Coordinators}
The discussions at the BPF on IPv6 will be guided by Technical Community MAG members Izumi Okutani, Susan Chalmers, and German Valdez and supported by a consultant engaged by the IGF Secretariat, Wim Degezelle.
{tab Resources}
Swedish Post and Telecom Agency - Deploying IPv6 (Practical Guidance)
RIPE 70 - Various Documents
APNIC - IPv6 for decision makers
IPv4 Address Report
APEC TEL IPv5 Guidelines
RIPE Routing Working Group Recommendations on IPv6 Route Aggregation
Requirements for IPv6 in ICT Equipment
https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/ripe-501 (old version)
IPv6 Troubleshooting for Residential ISP Helpdesks
A mix of technical and other docs is available on the the RIPE BCOP TF
LACNIV IPv6 Portal
The Rise of IPv6:Benefits and Costs of Transforming Military Cyberspace:
APNIC- IPv6 for Mobile Networks
Video Clips
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DOcc18Bj2U (Spanish)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNSdvX2bYNM (Spanish)
WTPF opinions on capacity building
2009 - https://www.itu.int/osg/csd/wtpf/wtpf2009/documents/opinion5.pdf
2013 - http://www.itu.int/en/wtpf-13/Documents/WTPF-13-Opinion3.pdf
{tab Documents}
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Background document
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - "Creating an Enabling Environment for IPv6 Adoption"
IGF 2015 BPF IPV6 - Meeting Report (May 21 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPV6 - Scope and Goals
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Meeting Report II (June 4 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Meeting Report III (June 24 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Meeting Report IV (14 July 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Meeting Report V (30 July 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Meeting Report VIII (9 Sep 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Meeting Report IX (24 Sep 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Meeting Report X (7 Oct 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Survey Submissions (27 Aug 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Survey Submissions (1 Sep 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Survey Submissions (19 Sep 2015)
IGF 2015 BPF IPv6 - Update (3 Sep 2015)
{tab Review Platform}
Go to http://review.intgovforum.org/?p=3987