The Dynamic Coalition on Core Internet Values was conceived during the IGF Workshop at Egypt 2009 (workshop No 319) with the then Internet Society President Lynn St Amour as Chair of the Workshop, “Workshop on Fundamentals: Core Internet Values”, which examined the questions: What is the Internet? What makes it what it is? What are its architectural principles? What are the core values? And what is happening to the core values in the process of its evolution? What is it that needs to be preserved and what changes are inevitable? What does the Internet Community say as what can’t be changed? How could changes and improvements be brought about without compromising on the core values? How would the different positions between stakeholders be reconciled to commit to the core Internet values?
After IGF Egypt the Dynamic Coalition on this theme was formed, with meetings held since 2010 at every global IGF as also with topics on and around this theme during Regional IGF workshops at New Delhi, Macau as also during Internet Society Chapter meetings including at Chennai and New York.
More info on DC-CIV at: