The basic approach is to establish research points of contact globally to continue the intersessional work conducted this year. The information will be consolidated into a webpage containing key research, statistics, and case studies. The research would also be supported by events to help disseminate the information. Proposed study topics include:
1. Pulling together the best scholarly work quantifying the benefits created by Internet adoption. This will consist of a literature review of the research exploring how much broadband adoption contributes to GDP and variations in how people in different regions are using the Internet.
2. Identifying, analyzing, and sharing innovative technological and business practices for connecting new communities (supply side). This part of the project will identify and analyze creative initiatives for increasing connectivity and provide a showcase for the most innovative and successful efforts. Data will be collected about each effort that will permit an analysis of their cost effectiveness.
3. Identifying reasons that individuals are not adopting and find innovative strategies to reach them (demand side). Surveys in both the developing and the developed world show that more than half of nonadopters do not see the relevance and value of an Internet connection.
The project will gather together the public and private initiatives undertaken to deploy locally relevant content, e-government, e-health, and other services that validate the value of an Internet connection as well as computer literacy and other programs designed to eliminate obstacles to adoption. This aspect of the program would pay particular focus on women and other segments of the population often excluded from Internet connectivity.
4. Identifying compelling personal stories highlighting the benefits of connectivity. The events surrounding this program should provide an ideal showcase for making the benefits real.