DCNN: Action Plan


In view of the confusion surrounding the various ways to approach this multi-faceted topic, it is today important to address the question of network neutrality through a multi-stakeholder approach. The purpose of this Dynamic Coalition is, therefore, to provide a discussion arena aimed at scrutinising the various nuances of the network-neutrality debate so as to ultimately contribute to the elaboration of best practices, policies and regulations. To do so, the Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality will provide a common platform involving a large variety of stakeholders in a joint analysis of the Network Neutrality debate. Beyond the website (http://networkneutrality.info) which will provide the basic information on the work done by the dynamic coalition (e.g. articles, publications or blog posts drafted by individual members of the coalition), the official mailing list of the coalition (see: http://mailman.edri.org/mailman/listinfo/nncoalition) will allow all members to discuss these issues in an open and interactive fashion.

The goal of the Dynamic Coalition will be to educate, inform and disseminate information on current trends and policy developments with regard to network neutrality. To this end, an annual report will be produced to provide an overview on Net Neutrality tendencies, policies and draft legislations. This report will encompass a selection of articles and analyses on network neutrality and will be presented and discussed, during the meeting of the Dynamic Coalition.

Ultimately, the dynamic coalition will attempt to elaborate a “model framework” on network neutrality, which can be deemed as consistent with international human rights standards.