Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change

{tab Introduction}

It is estimated that the Internet consumes up to one trillion kilowatt hours of electricity per year, amounting to around 5 per cent of the world’s total electricity consumption. More than half of this figure comes from PCs, laptops and screens, but data centres are also a major contributor. Although it is difficult to be precise, it is clear that this figure is growing, especially as Internet use expands in the developing world. More efficient energy use can reduce these numbers significantly, but there is a need to raise user awareness.

Furthermore, a globally-connected, broadband Internet can generate savings in terms of encouraging flexible work patterns, travel substitution and supply-chain optimization.

{tab Action Plan}

The Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change (DCICC) is an open body committed to moderating the environmental impact of the Internet and to seeking new ways to embrace the power of the Internet for reducing greenhouse gas emissions worldwide and to enable transformation in line with the objectives set and to be set under the UNFCCC.


{tab Mailing list}

Mailing List

A mailing list ([email protected]) has been set up to facilitate discussions among DC partners.
It is open for subscription to Guests and TIES users.

Please register and subscribe to dcicc which is located under the node ITU / ITU-T / Other Groups.


Additional information regarding the subscription.


{tab Stakeholders}

Membership in the DCICC is open; current members include UN agencies, standards development organizations, researchers, vendors, network operators and other bodies.

The DCICC now consists of 40 members:

Organizations and Institutions


{tab Community}

IG Community Group: Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change


{tab Reports}

The Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate Change held its seventh physical meeting on 4 September 2014, at the ninth IGF in Istanbul, Turkey. The report of the meeting is available. 

The Dynamic Coalition on Internet and Climate change had its 5th meeting in Baku Azerbaijan. The meeting description and the report of the meeting can be found here.

The third meeting will be held on 16 September 2010. Additional information, including the programme can be found at: http://www.itu.int/themes/climate/dc/meetings.html

The DCICC held its first physical meeting on 4 December at the third IGF in Hyderabad, India (report of the first meeting). The second DCICC meeting took place on 16 November 2009 in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt. A summary report is located here. The meeting agreed on a Statement on Climate Change and the Internet.



{tab Contacts}

  • Ms. Cristina Bueti (ITU, DCICC Secretariat) – cristina.bueti at itu.int

The website of the DCICC is maintained by the ITU.

A mailing list has been created to facilitate the exchange of ideas on Internet and Climate Change. Please register at http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/services/ and subscribe to DCICC, which is located under the node ITU/ITU-T/Other Groups. Additional information can be found here.
