DCs jointly organized a main session for the first time at IGF 2015 in João Pessoa, Brazil. Through discussions in the DC Coordination meetings that followed, members of coalitions decided to request space for another main session in 2016. The MAG granted the request and DCs have continued to meet virtually in the context of their regular coordination meetings to brainstorm and agree on substantive materials to be produced ahead of the session. The progress of the main session planning can be viewed through the DC Coordination meeting summaries as well as in the reference documents below, including the preliminary 'IGF 2016 Planning Document'. The main session was successfully held on 8 December 2016.
Reference Documents
DCs Main Session Summary Report
DCs Main Session Video + Transcript
List of Output Documents by DCs Participating in Main Session
DC Main Session Description - Version for Programme/Publication (submitted to the MAG ahead of Virtual Meeting VIII, 18 October 2016)
Update on IGF 2016 DC Main Session Planning (submitted to the MAG ahead of Virtual Meeting VII, 27 September 2016)
Key Dates and General Guidelines for DC Outputs/ Main Session Papers (5 September 2016)
Revised IGF 2016 DC Main Session Description (submitted to the MAG 22 August 2016)
IGF 2016 DC Main Session Proposal (submitted to the MAG ahead of 2nd Open Consultations and face-to-face Meeting, 14-16 July 2016)
DCs IGF 2016 Planning Document (editable preliminary document)