Evolution of the Internet Governance Ecosystem and the Role of the IGF

[Link to Schedule]          [Link to Session Transcript]          [Link to Session Video]


Day 3 (4 September), 09.30 - 12.30, Main Meeting Hall



The main session will have two sub-sessions, with different speakers. Both use a Town Hall approach in format, with engagement with participants in the room, and remote participants.

This main session will use a ‘town hall’ approach with Session one relying on senior leaders from various organizations in the Internet Governance “Ecosystem” on how the IG Ecosystem is evolving, what issues and external factors and key activities are driving changes. This is followed by engagement with participants in the room. The focus includes global processes and initiatives: NETmundial, the CSTD Working group on Enhanced Co-operation; UN-CSTD, WSIS +10 Review, ITU, ICANN, UNESCO, UNGA Resolution on WSIS Review Modalities, etc, which will inform the dialogue and engagement of participants in the room, and following remotely.

Questions and comments from participants in the room and remotely, will close the first segment, with a strong focus on further elaborating on additional examination of the IG Ecosystem from the participants’ perspective. Allocation of time will be 70/30 split between questions directed to the speakers, and audience engagement.

The second segment –“Town Hall” is designed to move into a more interactive approach with engagement then with the room’s [and remote] participants. It will open with brief statements from the invited speakers on the implications of the first segment discussions for the broader IG ecosystem, various stakeholders, and for the IGF itself.  Allocation of time for Segment Two is proposed as 40 /60 with a strong focus on participant engagement, including remote participants.

Substantive rapporteurs will record summary notes for both sessions. and participate with the co-moderators in the preparation of the outputs summary and report of the session. 

Description of Issue

The Internet has been an engine of growth and development, bringing connectivity that bridges countries and cultures, connecting individuals, businesses, enterprises, and governments. The Internet and the resources it connects can inform, educate and empower and is a source of knowledge. Its contribution to social, cultural and economic growth and opportunity is recognized, but with its increased role and importance to societies, individuals and economies, comes key questions of governance, accountability, misuse, access.  Governments and organizations and individuals understandably turn to models they understand or are familiar with to address concerns they view about the use, and potential misuse of the Internet. As the Internet expands, existing organizations, such as the UN agencies, regional organizations, and others are examining their roles.  Newer organizations that follow more of the technical community’s bottom up governance approach, such as ICANN, now co exist alongside older intergovernmental organizations. The IGF was created by agreements in the Tunis Agenda, to further examine the kinds of issues and challenges emerging regarding the Internet’s governance. 

Since 2006, the IGF has been a platform for stakeholders to come together on an equal footing to discuss, exchange ideas and share good practices with each other. While recognizing that there are no negotiated outcomes from the IGF, over the years the IGF has both inspired those with policy making power and acted as a platform to build bridges and engage in dialogue.  While many are embracing the engagement of stakeholders more directly in decisions and governance, others remain concerned that more intergovernmental oversight over the Internet is needed.  Numerous discussions during 2013 and 2014 have continued to elevate these debates.

Today, national policy makers and global policy makers, alongside various stakeholders are engaging in developing approaches to deal with key issues, whether about bringing connectivity to the unconnected, or addressing rules for protection of individual privacy online, or security of networks. A debate about who does what, and who should drive the Internet ecosystem has evolved rapidly. 

While over the years the IGF has also become a space that discusses solutions, questions continue about what next for the IGF? And for the other existing institutions and organizations?  How should the IGF co exist with other structures? What is the best way to  give developing countries the similar opportunities as wealthier nations to engage in the debate on Internet governance.

Questions for co-moderators consideration[to be refined with co-moderators to reduce to 2-3 per segment].  – Not all questions will be posed to and responded by all speakers

Segment 1 – Key questions for Speakers, and Participants

1. What are the key issues, Problems, and challenges that your organization focuses on in the IG space?

2. Speakers from relevant groups are invited to comment on specific activities or events that they consider relevant for global fora/activities/events on the Internet Governance Ecosystem: NETmundial, WSIS+10 HL, CSTD, ITU, ICANN,  UNGA WSIS Review, and other relevant activities and events, identifying both positive and negative contribution to the Global IG process.

3. Evolution of the multistakeholder engagement in [[your] organization – how is MS evolving in the intergovernmental system: challenges.

4. Do all problems require the same approach of multistakeholder engagement? – e.g. differentiation of approaches to the Internet governance of various stakeholders and in different fora?

6. Your views on the contributions and value in IGF to date

Segment 2- Key questions for both Panel and participants

1. What do you think are the key issues that are driving IG Eco-system development?

2.The Future of IGF – How should it evolve and change?  Are there new competitors to the IGF?

3. What role should the IGF play to catalyze broader engagement by different government agencies, more stakeholders?

4. Are negotiated outcomes from IGF meetings feasible? What are the issues with moving into negotiation of outcomes?

5. Is it time to call for and develop processes for a more active role in developing consensus in key areas? If so, what are the possible changes to the IGF structure and processes and resources?

e.g. Can structured working groups, such as the Best Practice Forums piloted at IGF 2014 and other activities offer an opportunity to help resolve the inherent tension between inclusive conversation and effective decision-making that can be taken forward into other fora, as called for in Para 72,(g)?

6.              Are there any opportunities for the MAG and other IGF structural design processes and bodies to be made more inclusive, transparent and/or democratic, to help stakeholders feel more ownership?

Development of Approach:

The speakers and representatives of key stakeholder groups in the IG Ecosystem Session have been identified in an effort to be as inclusive of many of the major IG organizations. The second session brings speakers from different stakeholder groups who are experienced and knowledgeable about the IGF, as well as other key fora.  Participation from the room will be critical to hear new voices.

Four microphones [in the respective stakeholder groups] in the room will allow for maximum minute long interventions from the diverse community, with two remote moderators monitoring online questions and interventions to be included.  All interventions will be kept short.


Mr. İhsan Durdu, Advisor, Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications, Turkey

Opening Remarks of Chair of Session: 5 minutes


Two co-moderators will facilitate these sessions, supported by substantive rapporteurs, remote moderators, and a twitter moderator.


Jovan Kubalija, DIPLO – NGO

Nermine el-Saadany – Egypt – Government [former host country of IGF and V. Chair, WSIS +10 MPP]

Speakers/Respondents for Sessions

Session 1: Evolution of the IG Internet Ecosystem – Viewpoints from IG Players

1.              Benedicto Fonseca Filho(Brazil) Confirmed

2.              Kathy Brown (ISOC)  (TC)   Confirmed

3.              Fadi Chehade (ICANN)   Confirmed

4.              Vint Cerf (Google) (Private Sector) Confirmed

5.              Rafał Trzaskowski (Poland, Gov) Confirmed

6.              Milton Mueller (Syracuse U.)   Confirmed

7.              Alan Markus (Netmundial @ WEF) Confirmed

8.              Mr. M. Salim Ketevanlıoğlu (Nominated by Host Country) (Gov) confirmed

9.              Mervi Kultamaa, WSIS Coordinator, CSTD Confirmed

10.           UNESCO (IGO) /Nominating Replacement

11.           (ITU)   [TBD]

12.           Ambassador Danny Sepulveda, US State, [Details being finalized]

13.           Andrew Wyckoff, OECD, confirmed

14.         Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the  European Commission, Commissioner for Digital Agenda

Moderators will strictly enforce the time limits. Speakers are invited to have fact sheets in the room.

Break to reseat Speakers: 3 minutes

Implications of Challenges and Issues from Session 1/Strengthening the IGF

 1.             Philipp Grabensee (Affilias) (TC) Confirmed

2.              Mark Carvell (UK,GOV) Confirmed

3.              Jimson Olufuye (AficTA) Confirmed

4.              Jeremy Malcolm (EFF) (CS) Confirmed

5.              Peter Major (WGEC) , Confirmed

6.              Joseph Alhadeff (ICC-Basis) PS , Confirmed)

7.              Stephanie Perrin (CS) Confirmed)

8.              Dr. Govind (TC/GOV) (Confirmed)

9.  Alejandro Pisanty - Academia (May participate remotely

10.   Wolfgang Kleinwächter (CS) confirmed

11.  Ian Peter (CS) (Invited – May participate remotely)

12.  Proposed to invite: Prof. Peng Hwa Ang (Singapore)*

[*taking onboard inputs from the MAG to improve geo diversity from Asia]

Discussion of approach for Facilitation /Moderation/Use of Social Media :

The co-organizers will also endeavor to incorporate further use of Social media to amplify participation including a small wall of messages.

Remote Moderators

Samantha Bradshaw (CS) (Confirmed)

Additional names welcomed, especially a twitter moderator

Substantive Rapporteurs:

Lee Hibbard (COE) (Confirmed)

Ms. Soonjoung Byun (Invited, TBC) (Korea, Gov)

Additional names welcomed

The two co-facilitators will also support the report out from the session.

Feeder/Related Workshops

Type: IGF & The Future Of The Internet Ecosystem

Tuesday, September 2


WS196: IGF & Enhanced Cooperation, Parallel Tracks or Connected

Wednesday, September 3


WS140: The Future of the Global and Regional IGFs Post 2015

WS152: Internet Governance: Challenges, Issues, and Roles [CB]

WS80: ccTLDs: partners in developing local “IG literacy”


WS139: Evaluating MS Mechanisms to Address Governance Issues

WS31: Internet Governance: a case for variable geometry? [CB]

WS95: Working together: initiatives to map & frame IG


WS118: Discussion on multistakeholderism in Africa

WS191: ICANN Globalization in an Evolving IG Ecosystem

Thursday, September 4


WS157: Crowdsourcing a Magna Carta for 'The Web We Want'


WS153: Institutionalizing the “Clearing House” Function

WS96: Accountability challenges facing Internet governance today


WS173: Youth involvement in Internet Governance

WS49: The impact of (non-)adoption of Internet standards on cyber security [CB]

Friday, September 5


WS124: Debates: Future IG Architecture

WS134: AIGF Meeting: Future of Internet & Perspective for Africa