The 18th Caribbean Internet Governance Forum (CIGF), taking place 24th to 26th AUGUST 2022 in a virtual format, on the theme "Internet Governance Priorities for ICT-Driven Development", will feature a Youth IGF and the CIGF will also be held jointly with the inaugural Internet Governance Forum for Small Island Developing States (SIDS IGF). The concept of a SIDS IGF was mooted by the Caribbean Telecommunications Union (CTU) Secretary General in 2021 and support for the idea grew given the realisation that SIDS worldwide share similar development challenges and there existed no collective IG forum that addressed SIDS-specific issues. The CIGF will provide functional input and logistical support to the inaugural SIDS IGF to facilitate its successful launch and ultimate sustainability.
The CIGF is a regional, multi-stakeholder forum initiated by the CTU and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat in 2005 to coordinate a regional approach to Internet Governance (IG), initially focussed on the proceedings of the United Nations’ World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The forum has since met annually and has delivered significant and pioneering benefits to the region including formulation of a Caribbean Internet Governance Policy Framework; the proliferation of Internet exchange points (IXPs); capacity building in IG Principles and best practices; and growth in Caribbean influence in international IG fora. The CIGF is the longest-running Internet Governance Forum in the world.
REGISTRATION & INFORMATION: https://ctu.int/event/18th-caribbean-internet-governance-forum-and-yout…