IGF 2012 Workshop Proposal :: (No: 116) An industry lead approach for making internet a better place for kids


IGF Theme(s) for workshop: Security, Openness and Privacy

Main theme question address by workshop: Question 6

Concise description of the proposed workshop:

It is generally agreed that making the internet safer for children and young people is a shared responsibility between policy makers, industry, parents and educators, governments, researchers and NGOs. However, given the fast changing nature of the new technologies and online services, industry has a particularly important role to play in this field. For this reason, in December 2011, VP Kroes launched the CEO Coalition to make the Internet a better place for kids (http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=IP/11/1485&form…).

The Coalition was formed by 28 leading tech and media companies who will work for providing both children and parents with transparent and consistent protection tools to make the most of the online world.

The purpose of the workshop would be twofold:

• to showcase the work and initiatives of the Coalition with particular focus on the actions on age-appropriate privacy settings (lead by Facebook) and measures for dealing with child abuse material (lead by Microsoft).

• to share good practices and the lessons learnt from the process by examining the role and responsibility of different actors, barriers for cooperation and how they can be tackled. The session will also seek to approach the issue on how to find the right balance between empowerment/protection of children and freedom of expression.

Background Paper:


Name of the organiser(s) of the workshop and their affiliation to various stakeholder groups:

Researchers, ICT companies (members of the CEO coalition), NGOs, European Commission

Have you, or any of your co-organisers, organised an IGF workshop before?: Yes

Please provide link(s) to workshop(s) or report(s):



Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are planning to invite:

IWF - Susie Hargraves, Chief Executive
Telia Sonera - Patrick Hiselius, senior advisor public affairs
Microsoft - Jean Christophe Letoquin, Director Digital Crimes Unit
Facebook - Melina Violari, Policy and privacy manager
Netlog - Lien Louwagie, Community Director
eNACSO - John Carr Child protection expert


Name of Remote Moderator(s):

Maciej Tomaszewski