IGF Theme(s) for workshop: Security, Openness and Privacy
Main theme question address by workshop: Freedom of expression and free flow of information: how do legal framework, regulations, and principles impact this?
Concise description of the proposed workshop:
International law provides for the exercise and enjoyment of the right to freedom of expression and access to information regardless of frontiers. Being a global network the Internet enables and facilitates the flows of information, content and services as well as people’s communications across borders. In this context it is considered important to have a free and unimpeded flow of Internet traffic.
Part of the challenge in this area lies with the fact that there are differences in national regulatory and policy frameworks and approaches. How do legal requirements on providers of services or of essential numbering and addressing resources inhibit cross-border flows initiated by users of those services and resources? What is the impact on free flows of traffic and information where ISPs/electronic service providers are demanded to act against third party content or transmissions where alleged infringements of various kinds have occurred? What restrictions or measures on the Internet traffic in one country can have an impact on access to information in another country?
The Council of Europe, pursuant to its Internet Governance Strategy 2012-2015, will consider developing appropriate human rights-based standards to protect and preserve the unimpeded cross-border flow of legal Internet content. The OECD promotes the global free flow of information as one of the basic principles for Internet policy-making. Also, discussions on the cross-border flow of Internet flows may relate to the revision of the International Telecommunication Regulations by the ITU. Major private sector players have called for international commitments to “expressly prohibit restrictions on legitimate cross-border information flows”.
The objective of this workshop is to discuss challenges to the unimpeded cross-border flow of Internet traffic and to take stock of best practices.
Background Paper:
Name of the organiser(s) of the workshop and their affiliation to various stakeholder groups:
Council of Europe
European Internet Services Providers Associations
Have you, or any of your co-organisers, organised an IGF workshop before?: Yes
Please provide link(s) to workshop(s) or report(s):
Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are planning to invite:
Council of Europe member states’ representatives
Alexander Ntoko, Head of ITU Corporate Strategy and ITU Focal Point for WSIS Action Line C.5 (TBC)
Mr. Rômulo Neves - Head of the Division for the Information Society, Ministry of External Relations, Brazil (TBC)
Markus Kummer – Vice-President Public Policy, ISOC (TBC)
Michael Rotert - European Internet Services Providers Associations (TBC)
Patrick Ryan, Policy Council, Open Internet - Google
Milton Mueller, Syracuse University
Name of Remote Moderator(s):