IGF Theme(s) for workshop: Access and Diversity
Main theme question address by workshop: This workshop relates to the IGF main session theme of Access and Diversity’; empowerment of women and Internet governance.
Concise description of the proposed workshop:
Technology has afforded all segments of populations around the globe with new and unique opportunities. However, some of these come with the need for changes in policies, or increased investment, to enable the full opportunities to be achieved, such as around encouraging studies in sciences or technology. As more aspects of life are increasingly mediated by Internet and information communications technologies (ICTs), access to the Internet significantly contributes to all, in particular women's rights to freedom from discrimination and exclusion and their right to political, economic, cultural and social participation. For women, access to information and the Internet creates opportunities for economic growth, job creation, and social benefits, such as ease in health care and education (e-health, e-education). Yet, opportunities afforded by the Internet in particular around social benefits often face challenges within their own policy and regulatory frameworks.
This interactive workshop will explore 3 dimensions from the perspective of a range of stakeholders as well as the particular development opportunities:
1. Women and economic empowerment: For example, issues around micro-lending; online services and businesses; job sharing and ease of commuting.
2. Enhancing (or strengthening) women's rights through access to information and the Internet, including use of technology to address issues of abuse or technology related violence.
3. Policy and regulatory conditions that stimulate access to the Internet and information. For example, encouraging ease and cost effective use of technology/the Internet across schools and health facilities.
Background Paper:
Name of the organiser(s) of the workshop and their affiliation to various stakeholder groups:
This co-sponsorship of this workshop will be consistent with the multistakeholder principle. The workshop will include representatives from business, governments, the technical community and civil society. Geographic diversity will be represented. See descriptions of anticipated speakers above.
The workshop co-organizers are business; the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) BASIS (Business Action to Support the Information Society) initiative, the Government of Kenya and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC) representing civil society.
Ayesha Hassan/Constance Weise - International Chamber of Commerce
Alice Munyua - Government of Kenya
Chat Garcia Ramilo - Association for Progressive Communications
Have you, or any of your co-organisers, organised an IGF workshop before?: Yes
Please provide link(s) to workshop(s) or report(s):
At the IGF 2011, ICC BASIS jointly organised two workshops; the ICC BASIS/Government of Kenya workshop report on “Mobile and cloud services for development” was submitted and can be found here:
Secondly, ICC BASIS, in partnership with the Internet Society, organised a workshop on “Improving the IGF: how can we get the most out of IGF improvement processes” available at:
IGF workshop report 2010:
1) ‘Implications of Cloud Computing’:
2) ‘Open forum on ICC’s data protection and privacy work and products’:
IGF workshop report 2009: ‘Internet Governance: Economic- Recovery and Growth’:
IGF workshop report 2008: “Digital convergence beyond technology: socio-economic benefits, SMEs & public policy":
IGF workshop report 2007:
1) “Managing security issues: authentication at the transaction level”:
2) “Multi-stakeholder Policy Development: lessons from actors engaged in existing institutional processes”:
IGF workshop report 2006: “Building human and institutional capacity for meaningful participation in Internet governance issues”:
Provide the names and affiliations of the panellists you are planning to invite:
- Ministry of Information and Communications, Kenya, Alice Munyua (government)
- Senior Vice President for Public Policy Development and Corporate Responsibility, Kathryn Brown, Verizon (business)
- OECD speaker (intergovernmental) (invited)
- Civil society representative from regional or international women’s organization (invited)
Name of Remote Moderator(s):
Ginger Paque/Diplo