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The network neutrality debate is gaining great political momentum. Several countries have already implemented network neutrality laws, while many others are currently elaborating or scrutinising the opportunity to elaborate network neutrality legislation. Yet, we are witnessing today the emergence of a variety of divergent (and somewhat incompatible) approaches towards whether or not network neutrality is enshrined in law.
Over the last months, in the U.S., the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced the elaboration of new Open Internet rules after the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeal invalidated the Open Internet Order; at the European Union level net-neutrality is going to be enshrined into legislation but the outcome of this latter process seem currently difficult to predict; whilst the Brazilian National Congress adopted the Marco Civil an Internet Bill of Rights containing strong network neutrality provisions.
While the network neutrality debate continues, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) may enter into opaque interconnection-arrangements (peering agreements) that might include provisions compelling Content and Applications Providers to pay ISPs for a direct connection to their consumers (so called “sender-pays” model).
These and many other issues will be presented by some of the contributors to the annual Report of the meeting of the Dynamic Coalition on Network Neutrality that will engage in an interactive debate during the DC NN meeting.
Meeting Format
The meeting will be introduced by a keynote delivered by Mr Vint Cerf, Vice-president and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google, followed by an interactive debate, prompted by the interventions of the various authors of the 2014 Report of the DC NN.
The authors/panellists will engage in an collaborative discussion aimed at jointly analysing their findings and proposals.
Keynote by :
Mr Vint Cerf, Vice-president and Chief Internet Evangelist for Google.
Panel composition:
Mr Chris Riley, Mozilla
Ms Angela Daly, Swinburne University
Ms Roslyn Layton, Aalborg University
Mr Alejando Pisanty, Autonomous University of Mexico
Mr Ørnulf Storm, Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority
Ms Patricia Vargas-Leon, Syracuse University
Moderated by:
Mr Luca Belli, Council of Europe & Université Paris 2