IGF 2014 (tabbed)

The Ninth Annual IGF Meeting will be held in Istanbul, Turkey on 2-5 September 2014. The venue of the meeting is Lütfi Kirdar International Convention and Exhibition Center (ICEC).

Under-Secretary-General Wu Hongbo has issued an official invitation to the Ninth Annual Internet Governance Forum Meeting.

Registration to the IGF 2014 is now openClick here to submit your registration. (http://www.intgovforum.org/cms/igf2014)

[NEW] Provisional list of Registered Participants for the IGF 2014 is now available.

The draft programme paper for the 9th IGF is available. It is a rolling document which will be updated as the preparatory process for the Istanbul meeting progresses.

{tab Calls}

Best Practices

Open Call to join IGF Best Practices Forums Preparatory Process
All interested stakeholders are invited to join the the preparatory process for the 2014 Best Practice Forums. 

Stakeholders can also send written contributions  the best practices to [email protected].

Call for Information

The MAG Chair has issued a Call for Information on concrete actions and decisions that have been taken by different stakeholders as a result of the engagement and discussions of Internet related issues at the various IGFs (international, regional or national). Contributions should be sent to ([email protected]) by 6 July 2014. The full text of the call is available here.

IGF Pre-events

IGF pre-events will be held on 1 September 2014. Organisations interested in holding pre-events are invited to send their requests to [email protected] indicating: the title and description of the event; the number of people expected to attend the event; the requested time slot. 5 July is the deadline for requests. All requests will be reviewed by the IGF Secretariat, and slots will be allocated taking into account space availability and the requests received.  

Booth Requests

The deadline for booth requests (30 June) has passed. 

{tab Meetings} 

Status of Workshop Proposals 

A List of all workshop proposals and their respective status (accepted, merger, not retained) is now available.

The May Open Consultations and MAG meeting were held on 19-21 May at the UNESCO Headquarters. The transcripts are available.

The summary report of the 19 -21 May Meeting is available here.


Call for Open Forum Proposals now closed: The deadline (11 May 2014) for submission of Open Forum proposals for the 2014 Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum has passed.   

[NEW] Workshop organisers can consult the Resource Persons List if they need to identify new panelists for their workshops. The proposed overarching theme for the IGF 2014 Annual meeting is: "Connecting Continents for Enhanced Multistakeholder Internet Governance" with the following proposed subthemes.   {tab Summaries}    [NEW] Summary Report -  Virtual MAG Meeting 18 June  Summary Report -  Virtual MAG Meeting 8 May Summary Report - Virtual MAG Meeting 16 April Summary Report - Virtual MAG Meeting 1 April Summary Report - Virtual MAG Meeting 18 March   

19-20 February Open Consultations and MAG meetings

The first round of Open Consultations and MAG meetings were held on 19-20 February 2014 in Room XIX at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland. 

 Summary Report of the Open Consultations and MAG Meeting is available.

19 February, 2014 IGF Open Consultations and MAG Meeting - Full Transcript

20 February, 2014 IGF Consultations and MAG Meeting - Full Transcript

2014 Interim Chair

Under-Secretary-General Wu Hongbo has appointed Mr. Jānis Kārkliņš as Interim Chair of the Open Consultations and MAG meetings for the 2014 process. [PDF]

Preparing the 2014 IGF

Request for public input: The Secretariat put out a call for general reflections on IGF 2013 and recommendations for the IGF 2014  and suggestions or ideas for issues to be discussed at the 2014 IGF. Responses to this call are available under Contributions related to the Open Consultations February, 2014. A synthesis paper of the contributions is available.

The 2014 Multistakeholder Advisory Group has been renewed.

{tab Communications}

Press Release of the United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon appointed Jānis Kārkliņš of Latvia to be the Chair of the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group of the Internet Governance Forum.

Open letter to the Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group and Stakeholders of the Internet Governance Forum by Mr. WU Hongbo Under-Secretary-General of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA). 

Statement attributable to the Spokesman for the Secretary-General on intent of the United States to Transition Key Internet Domain Name Functions
