IGF 2015 Transcripts

Transcripts of the IGF2015

All transcripts from the meeting are listed on this page. 

The naming convention is as follows:

Title: 2015 11 10 WS118 How Communities restore trust in the digital environment Workshop Room 4 FINISHED

Where 2015 is the year, 11 is the month, 10 is the day, WS118 is Workshop 118, then the title, and Workshop Room 4 is the venue.

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By Day

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Dynamic Coalition

Open Forum

Host Country Session

Best Practice Forum

Opening Ceremony

- Closing Ceremony

- Main Session


By Venue

- Main Meeting Hall, Workshop Room 1,  Workshop Room 2,  Workshop Room 3, Workshop Room 4Workshop Room 5, Workshop Room 6, Workshop Room 7, Workshop Room 8, Workshop Room 9, Workshop Room 10