Proposer's Name: Mr. Abdeldjalil Bachar Bong
    Proposer's Organization: HOUSE OF INTERNET
    Co-Proposer's Name: Mr. LEGHRIS CHERKAOUI
    Co-Proposer's Organization: Moroccan ISOC (MISOC)
    • Mr. Cherkaoui LEGHRIS is a Professor at the Hassan II University in Casablanca. He provides training for engineers on networking technologies. It is now focused on IPv6 networks, IoT, broadband, network security …. He also leads several scientific research in ICT technologies with his project 4-Any. He has many publications in scientific journals. Since joining ISOC, on behalf Morocco Chapter, who is now his general secretary, Mr. LEGHRIS, has conducted several activities to promote the use of Internet services in Morocco with the best principles, in particular in Education and Health sectors. He doesn’t hesitate any moment to actively participate in various events while the benefit is the local community. He has also participated in a several events in Africa and Arab region. • ABDELDJALIL,BACHAR BONG, IS CEO & Founder of HOUSE OF INTERNET a panafrican organisation aims to develop ICT in Africa, and wich actively campaigns to reach the 17 Sustainable Dvelopment Goals . Abdeldjalil has been volunteering in various NGOs(founder member of ISOC Chad) and at various events focused on youth and the promotion of internet for achieving the sustainable development He is also the Executive Secretary of Internet Governance Forum in Chad (IGF Chad)