IGF 2017 WS #176 Diversity in the Internet

    Proposer's Name: Ms. DALILA RAHMOUNI
    Proposer's Organization: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Najma BICHARA
    Co-Proposer's Organization: French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    Ms., Dalila RAHMOUNI, Government, French Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr., Emmanuel ADJOVI, International Organization, International Organization of La Francophonie


    Session Format: Debate - 60 Min

    Content of the Session:
    In 1990, 75% of the Internet users lived in developed countries. Today, more than 66% of Internet users live in developing countrie. In 2030, an iverwhelming majority of users will access the Internet from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

    How can we define diversity of the Internet? How can we promote a better diversity of the Internet?

    Relevance of the Session:
    In 1990, 75% of the Internet users lived in developed countries. Today, more than 66% of Internet users live in developing countrie. In 2030, an iverwhelming majority of users will access the Internet from Asia, Africa and Latin America.

    The future of the Internet Governance depends on the capacity of the internet community to be representative of the diversity of world in terms of culture, language, regional representation and gender inclusion.

    Tag 1: Access and Diversity
    Tag 2: Internet Governance
    Tag 3: Multilingualism and Local Content

    -introduction word by moderator
    -first intervention by E.Adjovi to explain the importance of the diversity of the Internet for Africa
    -second intervention by D.Martinon to explain how can we improve diversity in the Internet governance

    - one participant representing African countries
    - moderator (person from the civil society)

    Onsite Moderator: Najma Bichara
    Online Moderator: Najma Bichara
    Rapporteur: Dalila RAHMOUNI

    Online Participation:
    System of remote participation.

    Discussion facilitation:
    The débate will be split in three 20min sessions :
    1- introduction by the moderateur : issues, framework of the discussion, presentation of the speakers
    2- debate/discussion between speakers-moderator
    3- Discussion with the audience members

    Conducted a Workshop in IGF before?: No
    Link to Report: