IGF 2017 WS #79 Digital Economy 2.0: The rise and challenge of platform economy

    Short Title
    Governance Innovation in the Age of Sharing(merged with133)

    Proposer's Name: Mr. Jinhe LIU
    Proposer's Organization: Tsinghua University
    Co-Proposer's Name: Ms. Liyun HAN
    Co-Proposer's Organization: China Internet Network Information Center(CNNIC)
    Mr., Jinhe LIU, PhD student, Research Center for Media Economics and Management, Tsinghua University
    Mr., Zhibin HUI, Associate Researcher, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
    Ms., Julie Cong ZHU, Research Fellow, Center for Internet Governance, Tsinghua University
    Dr., Liyun HAN, Policy Executive, China Internet Network Information Center(CNNIC)

    Additional Speakers

    1.Danil Kerimi, Head, IT and Electronics Industries, World Economic Forum

    2.Dr. Jovan Kurbalija, Director, DiploFoundation & Head, Geneva Internet Platform

    3.Michael Kende, Senior Advisor at Analysys Mason, and guest professor at the Graduate Institute of Geneva

    4.Dr. Mikhail M. Komarov, deputy head for international relations, School of business informatics, National Research University.

    5.Dr. Prof. Xiaodong Lee, Co-chair of Center for Internet Governance (CIG) ,Tsinghua University

    6.Xiao Zhang, VP of CNNIC

    7.Prof. Xiang Zhou, Head of Major project division at Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth (RADI), Professor of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Deputy Director of National Engineering Laboratory for Satellite Remote Sensing Applications


    9.Jinbo Yao, 58.com.

    10.Wei Dai,ofo

    11.Donghui Wei, Vice President of Didi Chuxing

    12.Professor Baoguo Cui,Director,Center for Media and Management and Economics Studies,Tsinghua University

    13.Dr. Ning KONG, Director of Department of International Affairs, CNNIC 

    14. Colin Sparks,HongKong Baptist university

    15. Prof. Lee Miller,Editor-at-Large and Chart of the Day Columnist, Bloomberg News


    Session Format: Round Table - 90 Min


    1.【5mins】The moderator will open the session by welcoming participants, framing the topic, briefly introducing panelists and mentioning their commitment in the discussion.
    2.【40mins】Formal Presentations from some panelists.
    3.【20mins】After presentation, the moderator will engage the panelists in a lively conversation to get their perspectives on the questions as outlined below.
    ①Optimizing the relationship between supply and demand with intelligent sharing tools.
    ②Interest distribution among key resource holders.
    ③Roles of government, industry and other players involved in the market.
    ④Interesting predictions about the future of sharing economy.
    4.【15mins】The moderator will elicit what panelists found most insightful from the discussion, and build on them by asking questions to create a dynamic flow of interaction among the panelists.
    5.【5mins】the moderator will invite the audience to pose brief questions to the panelists, asking audience members to identify themselves. (The moderator may consider engaging the audience earlier)
    6.【5mins】With 5 minutes left, the moderator will share the top takeaways from the discussion and bring the session to a close.

    “HYPER CONNECTIVITY” breeds and fosters the idea of “SHARING”, a spirit to reallocate resources to where they are valued more. Built around the sharing of physical and intellectual resources, “SHARING ECONOMY” is making a fine figure world widely with people using services ranging from vehicleshares to homeshares. Whist services and start-ups enabling P2P exchanges through technology have sprung up, this is only the beginning: in its entirety and potential, SHARING ECONOMY is to bring revolution across all aspects of social and economic life.
    SHARING ECONOMY is blooming while experiencing growing pains, like regulatory uncertainty, trust issues, interest disputes etc. A lot of policy issues related to the governance of SHARING ECONOMY need to be addressed, such as:
    1. Economy policy: sharing economy is a new economic pattern of restructuring and integrating the social idle resource, especially with the driving force of ICTs, it enables every one or each entity to get involved in the economy activity, especially in rural areas of developing countries. However, issues as tax, price rationality, intellectual property right protection, online fraud, dispute mediation had not been fully discussed.
    2. Government regulatory: sharing economy is newly emerging and undoubtedly affects the traditional group's interests and rule. Governance is for development. What kind of policy government should take to reduce differentiation and imbalanced development calls for more consideration and wisdom.
    3. Platform responsibility: the application platform should develop effective mechanism to benefit more people and protect user's personal information, avoiding government power abuse and hacker attack.
    4. User self-discipline: practical measure or policy should be developed to improve user's behavior and protect public interest during the conduct of sharing economy. This workshop is to review the prospect and challenges during the rise of the sharing economy, exchange the experiences and practices on economy growth and regional balance. Collaborative Governance with multi-stakeholders' participation will shape a sharing economy benefited to everyone, enhance social diversity and support the joint efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

    Relevance of the Session:
    This session is designed to make a direct attack on the governance challenges emerging with the increased coverage and complexity of digitalization, in regards to governance objects, tools and approaches. It brings sharing economy, a new and active digital economy pattern into focus, to review how the Internet and society governance model is developing from going in one-way to multistakeholder as well as online and offline cooperation. What the session discusses include re-identifying the roles of government, platform, enterprise, users and consumers, technology providers etc. in a new ecosystem, exploring policy evolvement and even social ethics, which are topics that really matter in shaping our digital future. 

    Tag 1: Internet Economy
    Tag 2: Multistakeholder Cooperation
    Tag 3: Internet & ICTs for the Sustainable Development Goals

    The workshop involves speakers from the different stakeholders including the typical representative enterprises in the field of sharing economy, representatives from the civil society such as Association for Science and Technology and Internet Society, the academic researchers from the well-known universities, institutes as well as think tanks, the participants of technical community and the government official, who will demonstrate and interpret the blooming development and propose the future actions to answer the emerging challenges of SHARING ECONOMY from their perspective positions.
    The speakers from DIDI Chuxing, Ofo, 58.com which are forerunner corporations in China will share the developing experience of sharing transportation, community Leasing and service platform, the chief analyst from Tencent Research Institute will describe the interpretation report on the share economic trend in China launched by Tencent Research Institute.
    The speakers from the academia such as DiploFoundation, National Research University of Russia, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences will view the evolving process of the E-economy and the relevance to the IG ecosystem.
    The speakers from the associate and Internet Society can share the thoughts on the sharing economy from the aspect of industry structure.
    The speakers with the technology expertise including Prof. Xiaodong Lee, Prof. Zhou Xiang, Dr. Kong and Satish Babu will discuss the role of technology innovation such as big data, IoT and open source in promoting sharing economy.
    We also invited the government officials from the Cyberspace of Administration of China (CAC) who is to be confirmed can talk about the annual government report and policies relevant to the governance of sharing economy.
    The proposer will follow up with the confirmed speakers to specify who will give the presentation and who will contribute to the workshop trough discussion and dialogue. 

    1.Diversity of speaker stakeholder: We have invited experts from multistakeholders, such as enterprises, civil society, academia, technical community and government officials.
    2.First-time participant: most of our co-organizers are the old faces to IGF who have the familiar experience and contributed to annual IGF via organizing workshops over consecutive four years. Tsinghua University is the first time to participate IGF.
    3.Diversity of regions: Our participants are from China, Russia, India, Swiss and others.

    Onsite Moderator: Dr. Liyun HAN
    Online Moderator: Ms. Julie ZHU
    Rapporteur: Ms. Shuyi GUO

    Online Participation:
    The workshop is encouragdged and panned for remote participation. Julie ZHU, the researcher of the Center for Internet Governance (CIG) of Tsinghua University, is appointed to the remote moderator, cooperating with the IGF staff, she willcoordinate the online participating system and collect the questions and key points from the remote participants, while she will keep the close interaction with the onsite moderator to convey the information and facilitate the Q&A between the onsite and online participants.