IGF 2017 WS #95 How is digitization affecting democracy, trust and public opinion?

    Proposer's Name: Mr. Jorge Cancio
    Proposer's Organization: Federal Office of Communications, OFCOM
    Co-Proposer's Name: Mr. Nicolas Rollier
    Co-Proposer's Organization: Federal Office of Communications, OFCOM
    Ms. Roxana Radu
    Civil Society/Academia
    Diplo Foundation


    Session Format: Round Table - 90 Min

    Content of the Session:
    Digital space, as a cornerstone of public policy space, can be a great enabler for democratic discourse and participation as well as inclusive policy-making. At the same time, it poses challenges, which can lead to the distortion of truth, mistrust in public information, and misrepresentation of public opinion.

    The workshop will aim to discuss ways of strengthening the benefits of participation and inclusivity, limiting the negative impact from the misuse of the public policy space, and rebuilding trust among online users.

    The session will address issues such as the responsibility of Internet service providers over the dissemination of fake news and false news, and the elements that can help rebuild trust among users.

    The specific agenda is still under development.

    Confirmed speakers:
    Philipp Metzger, Director General, OFCOM, Switzerland, Biel/Bienne
    Jean Paul Philippot, President of the European Broadcasting Union, Administrateur General RTBF, Le Grand-Saconnex/Geneva, Switzerland
    Gonzalo Navarro, CEO, Asociación Latinoamericana de Internet (ALAI), Santiago de Chile
    Tereza Horejsova, DiploFoundation, Washington

    Other possible speakers:
    Nnenna Nwakanma, World Wide Web Foundation, Côte d’Ivoir
    Darrell Bricker, Global CEO of IPSOS Public Affairs
    Malavika Jayaram, Digital Asia Hub, Hong Kong
    Tim Berners Lee, W3C, UK
    Sheryl Sandberg, COO Facebook, USA
    Thorbjørn Jagland, Secretary General of the Council of Europe

    Relevance of the Session:
    Getting to grips with how the process of digitization is affecting democracy and public opinion and developing shared understandings how we may maintain and build trust in the Internet as a key instrument for democratic participation and a healthy public opinion are key for shaping our digital future together.

    Tag 1: Digital Future
    Tag 2: Content
    Tag 3: Human Rights

    The session will begin with a roundtable (around 40 minutes) where each speaker will present his/her views in a concise and straightforward manner.

    The rest of the session will follow a moderated and open format with exchanges with the participants.

    The workshop will aim to include all different points of view relevant to the debate: governmental, human-rights perspective, point of view of social media platforms, viewpoint of civil society - it will also respect geographic and gender diversity.

    Onsite Moderator: Wolf Ludwig (provisional)
    Online Moderator: Virginia Paque, Diplo Foundation
    Rapporteur: Jorge Cancio, OFCOM (provisional)

    Online Participation:
    We will count with an expert online moderator. Interventions from online participants will be given equal priority as to those from the physical audience. Onsite and online moderator will coordinate closely.

    Discussion facilitation:
    The session will begin with a roundtable (around 40 minutes) where each speaker will present his/her views in a concise and straightforward manner.

    The rest of the session (40 minutes) will follow a moderated and open format with exchanges with the participants, with a final wrap-up by the moderator with short conclusion remarks from the speakers (10 minutes).

    Conducted a Workshop in IGF before?: Yes
    Link to Report: https://www.intgovforum.org/filedepot_download/4098/251