IGF 2018 WS #113 Blockchain and ICOs, your next go-to for innovation

    Organizer 1: Thomas Reveillon, Chaineum
    Organizer 2: Sacha Ott, Chaineum
    Organizer 3: Emilien Ercolani, Chaineum

    Speaker 1: Emilien Ercolani, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Sacha Ott, Technical Community, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Thomas Reveillon, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)

    Online Moderator

    Birds of a Feather - 60 Min

    The speakers are part of different services at Chaineum. There will be the Technical leader, in order to provide the audience with the right technical understanding of the use cases, and the educational content prepared for that, the Marketing leader that will demonstrate the different ways of marketing a blockchain project, related to the market last trends and practices, and the Roadshow leader in order to provide the attendees with a overview of the current state of the ecosystem worldwide.

    Chaineum is promoting diversity by two different ways: - The team: Chaineum is composed of 15+ core international team members from all ways of life and skills. For instance, Canada, Nigeria, France, Kazakstan, Korea, and Poland are represented by the team members present in the Paris office. It is one of the strengths of Chaineum because it allows us to communicate with clients and prospects around the world and also complete each other with our skills (Marketing, Corporate finance, Technical development, Design). Diversity is also represented by the age of our team members: from 24 to 65. We are closely working with Hungarian and British collaborators. - The services: Chaineum is the leading self-regulated ICO advisory firm based in Paris. We provide all services related to a blockchain project, especially for ICOs/ITOs such as: White Paper and tokenisation, Technical, Design, Marketing/communication, Legal, Support, Compliance, Roadshows, post-ICO.

    The content of the session will be focused on the demonstration of actual and real use cases related to distributed ledgers/blockchain, and the different aspects related to this technology. As ICOs/ITOs are our main job, we will provide a deep dive into this new mean of financing for startups and companies, the different ways to prepare and conduct this kind of operation, the market challenges and the ways to overpass these challenges. The focus of these topics will have a marketing and technical point of view in order to fit the different parts of the topic.

    Amongst speakers, multiple facilities can be used to participate: Slack, Telegram. We plan on probably using a Telegram channel in order to have a live thread during the workshop, and our online moderator answering to all questions the audience may have. At the end of the session, we want to do a Q&A session.

    How is the distributed ledger/blockchain technology affecting the global population's life, either by its usage in any sector or by the new means of financing projects it created, such as ICO/ITO.

    Online Participation

    Thanks to the collaboration with BlockSY by Symag, we are able to get the online community to post real-time messages and experiment the blockchain via their smartphone. This promotes the participation of people online by commenting and/or answering the multiple questions we will ask during the workshop. It is really important for us to have this kind of participation because it brings more value to the overhaul workshop session. We also want to create some Twitter # in order to incentivize the people online to participate.