IGF 2018 WS #195
AI: an international governance on ethics?

    Organizer 1: ARNO PONS, Digital New Deal Foundation
    Organizer 2: Carole Ulmer, Digital new deal Foundation
    Organizer 3: Philippe Mabille, La Tribune
    Organizer 4: Pierre Robinet, Ogilvy Consulting Asia-Pacific
    Speaker 1: Ayesha Khanna, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Laurent Alexandre, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Pierre Robinet, Private Sector, Asia-Pacific Group
    Philippe Mabille, La Tribune
    Online Moderator
    Arno Pons, Digital new deal Foundation
    Carole Ulmer, Digital New Deal Foundation
    Flash Session - 30 Min
    The speakers we have selected have two different but rational vision of AI. On one hand, we have a specialist, Laurent Alexandre, who focuses on the gap that exists between the progress of AI and the non-evolution of education. In his opinion, if we don’t modernize education on a global basis, AI will soon overtake human intelligence. On the other hand, Ayesha Khanna, has a concrete vision of AI applications in real world, thanks to her professional path. Addo AI, the company she has created, believes that application of AI to real-world problems requires deep skills and experience. Every product created by the company is therefore supervised by academic figures. These vision of a framed AI developed by Ayesha Khanna seems relevant in a debate with Laurent Alexandre.
    Ayesha Khanna is a female CEO (private sector group) from Pakistani orgins, leaving in Singapore. Dr Laurent Alexandre is a male CEO and expert from France. He has written books on the issue. Pierre Robinet is a male consultant specialised on AI, working in the Asia-Pacific region.
    Artificial algorithmic has already spread everywhere in the world; it is more than ever a significant reality. As transparency of AI is key to make it acceptable to a broader audience, we must find ways to explain AI processes so its decisions are understandable by everyone. However, the use of AI seems to be for the best and the worst: as an illustration, China has recently announced that a high school located in the city of Hangzhou will equipped its classes with surveillance camera able, thanks to emerging technologies, to recognize faces. Isn’t it the time to set an international organization in place, dedicated to these ethical questions on the use of AI, and its limits? Debate awaited details The importance of a transparent interaction. The “black box” issue. The social acceptance of AI. The importance of social sciences to develop AI. An international governance on AI and ethics.
    A 30 minutes’ event seems to be the most relevant format. an Oxford-style debate (face-to-face debate) could seem relevant. -10 minutes for the debate between both participants, introduced by the moderator. They shall be short introductory statements by each of the two panelist (2 minutes) and then, discussion on 3 to 5 arguments each 20 minutes for a round of Q/A with the audience and the remote attendees through the use of an App (like Slido) Concluding words
    Isn’t it the time to set an international organization in place, dedicated to these ethical questions on the use of AI, and its limits?
    Online Participation
    Online participation will be made possible through the organisation of the webstreaming of the discussion. Interaction both for the onsite attendees and the online attendees will be made possible throught the use of the Slido App. It will allow us to crowdsource the best questions (both online and on site) and to organize live pools to measure audience opinion and get the panelists to comment the results. Online attendees will therefore have the same room for participation as the onsite ones. Twitter and social media will also be followed byt the online moderator through a dedicated #