IGF 2018 WS #356
Beyond violence: women in tech & feminist digital economies

    Organizer 1: Kemly Camacho, Sula Batsu
    Organizer 2: Maria Paz Canales, Derechos Digitales
    Speaker 1: Kemly Camacho, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 2: Jan Moolman, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 3: Nanjira Sambuli, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 4: isabela bagueros, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Maria Paz Canales
    Online Moderator
    Marianne Diaz
    Marianne Diaz
    Round Table - 60 Min
    Nanjira Sambuli, Web Foundation (Confirmed) Isabela Bragueros, Tor Project (Confirmed) Facebook Infraestructure team (business rep-TBD) Kemly Camacho, Sulá Batsú (Confirmed) Jan Moolman, APC Women (Confirmed) Each speaker will have opportunity to briefly present her experience in the field work and research on developing environments that foster women participation in digital economies and appropriation of technology. We will ask them to share the obstacle and challenges confronted in the research and actions, the engagement with programs developed and researched groups and the avenues that they identify to project this work into the future.
    The group selected represent several stakeholders including civil society, private companies, local and global organizations with work field in Latin America, Africa and Asia. All invited speakers are women engaged with the development of initiatives to increase and make sustainable women participation in digital economies and engaged in the building of public policy to foster gender inclusion and appropriation of technology.
    In a widely extended context of online gender based violence, there are at least two alternative models of women digital inclusion, which have been emerging in the different layers of the digital ecosystem. One of them is the feminist support against violence (trainings, resources, helplines, campaigns); the other is creating a women leadership in the IT sector, developing women digital enterprises, training and strengthening employability of women in the digital economy. The main objective of this panel is to discuss about the changes occurring thanks to or as a result of these kind of initiatives around the world, and from the different nodes in the digital production chains. Is there a significant change? What are the main challenges, difficulties and opportunities? What means a digital technology created with feminist perspective? Which is the women participation in IT value added for local, national and regional development? What a women leadership in IT means?
    The aim is to share experiences around the development of initiatives to increase and make sustainable women participation in digital economies, allowing gender inclusion and women appropriation of technology. We will achieve so by inviting several experts to present their field experience or research and to share their insight about how to address this issue from a public policy and community building perspective. A set of questions, tailor-made for each speaker by the moderator, will aim to foster debate and get the valuable experience of the speakers in the topic. Each panelist will have two rounds to present their experiences, and at the end questions will be opened to the public and to online participants.
    The proposed session aims to share knowledge gather by different organisation working Latin America, Africa, Asia and globally to share their experience on creating opportunities for women engagement in the different layers of the digital ecosystem. There is a need from public policy perspective and community building effort for thinking in a more comprehensive way about women participation in the creation of digital future.
    Online Participation
    The workshop moderator will have the online participation session open, and will be in close communication with the workshop’s trained online moderator, to make any adaptations necessary as they arise. The online moderator will intermediate the questions and comments provided by the online attendees, by each question in the room, it will be one question selected by the online moderator from the ones formulated by online attendees.