IGF 2018 WS #396
Developing principles for AI in society

    Organizer 1: Urs Gasser, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, Harvard University
    Organizer 2: silvia viceconte, european commission
    Organizer 3: Nobuhisa Nishigata, OECD
    Organizer 4: Karine Perset, OECD
    Speaker 1: Urs Gasser, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Anne Carblanc, Intergovernmental Organization, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: silvia viceconte, Intergovernmental Organization, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Urs Gasser
    Online Moderator
    Nobuhisa Nishigata
    Karine Perset
    Panel - 90 Min
    Dr. Urs Gasser, Executive Director of the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard University will moderate the session (confirmed). Ms. Anne Carblanc, Head of the OECD Digital Economy Policy division at the OECD, will outline the OECD’s ongoing work to identify key principles for AI public policy and international cooperation (confirmed). Ms. Silvia Viceconte, Head of Sector - Multilateral Affairs and Economic Cooperation, DG CONNECT at the European Commission, will provide an overview of the EC’s latest work on AI policies (confirmed). Dr. Konstantinos Karachalios, Managing Director of the IEEE-Standards Association will provide a technologists’ perspective on priorities for AI public policy, based on the work of the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and related standardization activities. Ms. ‎Jia He, Chief of Staff & Director of Toutiao Research, ‎Bytedance Inc will provide a private sector perspective on priorities for AI public policy. [Civil society representative, or government representative, to be confirmed] will provide a relevant perspective on priorities for AI public policy.
    This workshop is designed to provide diverse perspectives. It is balanced first in terms of stakeholder groups, with intergovernmental organization representation through the OECD and the European Commission; academic / civil society representation through the BKC at Harvard University; private sector representation through Bytedance Inc; technical community representation through the IEEE, and civil society (or government)representation (representative TBC). In terms of gender, the workshop will be balanced with the participation of at least 2 women. Geographic diversity will be ensured.
    The panel will discuss of key principles for public policy and multi-stakeholder cooperation with respect to AI, based on existing and ongoing work being conducted by the co-organizers, speakers and participants. The panel’s objectives will be to encourage vigorous exchange among policy makers, researchers, academic and the public on top priorities for public policy to inform the ongoing work of the OECD, the EC and BKC on public policy approaches for artificial intelligence. The panel will first provide an overview of the OECD’s ongoing work to identify key principles for an international AI policy framework and the EC’s latest work on AI policy. Technical, business and civil society representatives will provide their perspectives on priorities for AI public policy. Interventions will build on the advanced initiatives underway including the IEEE’s Initiative on the Ethical Design of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems, the Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society and the BKC’s Initiative on the Ethics and Governance of AI. Participants will then be asked for comments, questions and insights on the top priorities for AI public policy and ideas for co-operation.
    The moderator will set the stage by providing context for the workshop, will make sure all the different perspectives are represented throughout the discussions and about halfway through the session will seek input and questions from the floor as well as from remote participants.
    Setting the right artificial intelligence policy framework is an urgent concern. AI has the potential to help tackle difficult global challenges, advance sustainable development, and deliver considerable societal benefits. At the same time it raises significant questions about, inter alia, ensuring respect for human rights, developing skills, transparency, accountability, inclusion and fairness. Robust and timely co-operation between government leaders, industry, policy, and technical experts, and the public at large is needed to shape human-centric development and deployment of AI and foster trust in, and adoption of, this technology. The rapid pace of AI research, coupled with the speed of its real-world deployment, dramatically shrinks the time frame and the distinction between fundamental research and its real-world impacts on society. The transformation of society, government and industry being driven by AI systems requires a coordinated policy response. Forward-looking public policy frameworks, informed by all stakeholders, are needed. This workshop will build on a IGF 2017 workshop “AI: Intelligent Machines, Smart Policies” co-organised by the OECD and the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications (workshop 93). It also links to 2017 IGF workshops in which the Berkman Klein Center participated in, such as workshop 12 on Social Responsibility and Ethics in Artificial Intelligence and workshop 241 on Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion.
    Online Participation
    Remote participation will be facilitated by the remote moderator who will frequently communicate with the remote participants throughout the session to ensure their views/questions are reflected. The workshop will be promoted in advance and during the IGF on the OECD websites and via social media, through the hash tag #IGF2018 and #GoingDigital.