IGF 2018 WS #400
One Internet

    Sub-theme description: The topic"One Internet" is expanded as “Internet: On why the Nations of the World should think more and more Globally for the good of the World". ‘One Internet’ is repeatedly discussed in forums, but it requires intelligent minds to go beyond diplomatic caution to address threats to 'One Internet', dispel misconceptions of certain geographies and propose solutions.
    Organizer 1: Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Internet Society India Chennai
    Speaker 1: Sebastien Bachollet, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Sivasubramanian Muthusamy, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 3: Desiree Miloshevic, Private Sector, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Sivasubramanian Muthusamy
    Online Moderator
    Joly MacFie
    Krishna Kumar, Internet Society India Chennai
    Other - 90 Min
    Format description: The proposal is to approach the topic over two sessions. Day 1 : The first would be an informal session in a relaxed setting at Dinnertime Day 2 Some of these ideas/comments are to be gathered without attributions and brought up during a formal, yet relaxed Roundtable session on Day 2. Fve or seven ideas / solutions identified on Day 1 to be brought up without attributions to the Round Table and discussed in a flow for about 45 minutes, with further discussions to generate rephrased summary outputs over the next 45 minutes. Solutions are to be identified.
    On Day 1, in a relaxed setting during Dinner time, Participants would converse informally. A few designated session facilitators would informally move through the attendees and encourage them to form ad hoc groups, encourage them to relax and converse, WITHOUT constraining them in any manner, without imposing time limits. Participants are to be requested to suspend their roles, drop their hats and converse in an individual capacity, without prior preparation, without taking positions, with openness and utter simplicity, with a view to apoliticallyand respectfully talk about national / regional hesitations that need to be overcome with a view to address misconceptions and progress far more swiftly towards global development. Day 2 Some of these ideas/comments are to be gathered without attributions and brought up during a formal, yet relaxed Roundtable session on Day 2 Fve or seven ideas / solutions identified on Day 1 to be brought up without attributions to the Round Table and discussed in a flow for about 45 minutes, with further discussions to generate rephrased summary outputs over the next 45 minutes. Solutions are to be identified.
    Day 1 session is open to all participants of the IGF, so it is diverse enough. For the Round Table on Day 2, lead participants are to be drawn from across stakeholder groups, reflecting gender and regional balance.
    Internet connected the people of the world without barriers. It is the lifeline of Global economy; What is very positive about the Internet strangely becomes a concerns for the Conservatives: 1) The Internet consists of tens of thousands of interconnected networks run by service providers, individual companies, universities, governments, and others. 2) Open standards enable this network of networks to communicate. 3) Multi-stakeholder processes are the order of Internet Governance.
    As explained in IX above.
    The Internet is the Internet only when it is Global, free and open. Both for right and wrong reasons there are concerns about the way the Internet works. Some countries are slow to embrace the Multi-stakeholder model for Internet Governance, and a few countries are slow to trust the global processes. The result is that there are national and regional differences.
    Online Participation
    The session on Day 1 would be supportively coordinated by Sebastien Bachollet together with a few other Internet leaders to be identified and requested. The Round Table on Day 2 would be moderated by the Onsite Moderator.