IGF 2018 WS #449
Platform Governance Human Rights Responsibilities

    Organizer 1: Eileen Donahoe, Global Digital Policy Incubator, Stanford Universiiy
    Speaker 1: Eileen Donahoe, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 2: Eileen Donahoe, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Eileen Donahoe, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Eileen Donahoe
    Online Moderator
    Eileen Donahoe
    Eileen Donahoe
    Round Table - 90 Min
    We will have prepared remarks by expert speakers and the moderator led conversation
    We commit to having cross regional, cross-stakeholder group participation -
    State and Private Platform Responsibilities: Human Rights Impacts of Online Content Liability Regimes Governments and the public are increasingly asking private platforms ranging from Facebook to DailyMotion to take responsibility for eliminating harmful or illegal content shared by their users. This panel will build on empirical information about the practical realities of platforms' removal efforts, and the consequences for human rights ranging from free expression to equality and equal treatment before the law. Building on these observations, panelists will examine the legal responsibilities of both state and private actors as we move toward increasing private control over online communications.
    We have experience in cross-sector, cross-regional collaboration and conversations. We will develop this plan with more time. We are rushing to get this submitted by deadline - which was short!
    Human Rights Responsibilities of digital platforms
    Online Participation
    We will facilitate online participation