IGF 2020 OF #24 Online Safety Technology: Towards a Global Market?

    Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (12:30 UTC) - Thursday, 5th November, 2020 (13:30 UTC)
    Room 2
    About this Session
    This session will: showcase work to define, consolidate and grow the Safety Tech market; explore the extent to which the challenges and opportunities we have identified in the UK reflect those of other countries; and, discuss how international collaboration may help to develop and grow the global market.

    Other - 60 Min
    Format description: Unsure of best categorisation, we would like a 60 minute panel discussion which includes audience participation.


    The session format will be 25-30 minutes of chaired panel presentations, followed by an open plenary discussion on the potential to take international action to develop the emerging sector of ‘online safety technology’. The goals of this IGF Open Forum session will be to:

    • Showcase work to define, consolidate and grow the Safety Tech market - linking these in particular to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the emergence of regulation;

    • Explore the extent to which the challenges and opportunities we have identified in the UK reflect those of other countries;

    • Discuss how international collaboration may help to develop and grow the global market.


    1. Welcome and introductions 

    2. Technology for online safety - a global market (Mary Aiken)

    3. The role of safety tech in online regulation (Simon Saunders, Ofcom)

    4. Opportunities and barriers to international safety tech growth - the view from business 

    5. Plenary discussion - how could cross-international collaboration help grow the international market? 

    6. Conclusion and next steps


    UK Government - Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport 



    • Kevin Cunnington, Digital Envoy for the UK 


    • Professor Mary Aiken, CyberPsychologist and INTERPOL advisor (Ireland)

    • Professor Simon Saunders, Director of Emerging and Online Technology, Ofcom (UK)

    • Ian Stevenson, Chair of UK Online Safety Tech Industry Association (UK)

    • Roni Gur, VP Marketing, L1ght (US and Israel)

    • Deepak Tewari, CEO, Private.ly (Switzerland)

    Onsite Moderator
    Online Moderator
    Graham Francis and Alice Rutherford

    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

    1. Key Policy Questions and related issues
    How can international collaboration help develop grow the safety technology market? 
    What are the barriers and opportunities to international safety technology growth?
    What role can safety technology play in online regulation?
    2. Summary of Issues Discussed

    UK Digital Envoy Kevin Cunnington joined a panel of experts from industry, academia and the UK communications regulator to discuss the emerging ‘online safety technology’ sector in the UK and opportunities for a growing international market.

    The panel discussed how the regulatory framework proposed in the UK’s Online Harms White Paper had made space for a serious dialogue on online safety, and created an ecosystem for the safety tech sector to thrive. The panel discussed how safety tech can tackle a spectrum of harms and invited a global dialogue on standardised performance indicators, stretch goals for technology and encouraged international information sharing to benchmark high regulatory expectations on the technology available now and in the future.

    3. Key Takeaways
    • “Cyber security focuses on protecting data and information from cyber attacks - safety tech focuses on protecting people from the psychological risks, harms, and criminal dangers online - everything from mis- or disinformation, to online abuse or harassment” - Professor Mary Aiken, Cyber Psychologist


    • “It's great for us to see the emergence of a market of independent safety technology providers - and equally of platforms that are prepared to make available their technology to other platforms to help to raise the potential of the industry as a whole… We need to play our part more actively, along with government and industry counterparts, in actually enabling and encouraging innovation in this sector.” - Professor Simon Saunders, Ofcom


    • “The conversations about online safety are characterized by those who want the world to be better, and those who are telling us why it's impractical, too difficult, or too expensive to actually achieve that. I think that technology can bridge that gap.” Ian Stevenson, Chair, OSTIA


    • “Our motto as a safety tech industry needs to acknowledge the rapid effects of online harms. If I were to suggest one, it would be, ‘We have to do better, and we can only do that together’.” Roni Gur, L1ght


    • “The UK was the first market where we got attention and traction. There has been a conversation in that market which we missed everywhere else.  So I’m testimony to the thought leadership that comes from the UK.” Deepak Tewari, Private.ly
    6. Final Speakers


    • Kevin Cunnington, Digital Envoy for the UK 


    • Professor Mary Aiken, CyberPsychologist and INTERPOL advisor (Ireland)

    • Professor Simon Saunders, Director of Emerging and Online Technology, Ofcom (UK)

    • Ian Stevenson, Chair of UK Online Safety Tech Industry Association (UK)

    • Roni Gur, VP Marketing, L1ght (US and Israel)

    • Deepak Tewari, CEO, Private.ly (Switzerland)

    9. Group Photo
    IGF 2020 OF #24 Online Safety Technology: Towards a Global Market
    10. Voluntary Commitment

    Panelists made a number of voluntary commitments to support growth of the UK and
    International Safety Tech Sector.
    ● Digital Envoy Kevin Cunnington committed to ensure that the use of technology to facilitate safer online experiences remains a top five priority for the European Digital Envoys.

    ● Chair of UK Online Safety Tech Industry Association Ian Stevenson committed to make industry a constructive partner in discussion and debates internationally, sharing their expertise.

    ● UK Communications Regulator OFCOM committed to listen and to join the dialogue on safety technology. Simon Saunders invited companies and organisations to show off their technology and how it has made a difference to people’s lives to inform upcoming regulatory developments in the UK to tackle online harms.

    ● Professor Mary Aiken committed as a cyber behavioral scientist to creating a better and more secure cyberspace.

    ● Deepak Tewari committed to ensuring that Private.ly measures and demonstrates the positive impact that use of safety technology has on the well-being of children.

    ● Roni Gur committed that L1ght will support the growth of an open community around safety tech, contributing technologies, resources and ideas where appropriate.