Welcome to the APC digital booth!
First, we invite you to read APC priorities for the 15th Internet Governance Forum.
Check out what we will be busy with at the IGF in this schedule. Join us there!
Together with our members and partners, we will use this space to display videos and other work by our community, as well as to come together around different activities that will take place according to the schedule below. Come join us! We will be updating this calendar with more activities soon.
APC's booth schedule
Wednesday 4 November
6:00-7:00 UTC: Care and sexual rights (Click here to join)
11:00-12:00 UTC: GenderIT.org and community networks (Click here to join)
Friday 6 November
8:00-9:00 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)
11:00-12:00 UTC: Local access and community networks: Conversations on policy (Click here to join)
16:00-17:00 UTC: Local access and community networks: Conversations on tech (Click here to join)
Monday 9 November
6:00-7:00 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)
11:00–12:00 UTC: Feminist internet time! (Click here to join)
Wednesday 11 November
6:00-7:00 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)
12:30-13:30 UTC: Continuing the conversation from the workshop "Imagine an internet that serves environmental justice" (11:20-12:20 UTC) (Click here to join)
16:00-17:00 UTC: Relevant policy spaces for internet governance (Click here to join)
Friday 13 November
6:00-7:00 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)
11:30-12:30 UTC: My cup of tea! (Click here to join)
Monday 16 November
12:00-13:00 UTC: GISWatch - Technology, the environment and a sustainable world: Responses from the global South (Click here to join)
13:00-14:00 UTC: A guide to circular economies of digital devices: launching a preview and continuing conversations from the workshop "Circular economy of ICT" (9:40-11:10 UTC) (Click here to join)
18:00-20:00 UTC: APC Party - Alegre Vida: Joy as resistance (REGISTER HERE)
Learn more about APC:
Our mission is to create a just and sustainable world by harnessing the collective power of activists, organisations, excluded groups, communities and social movements, to challenge existing power structures and ensure that the internet is developed and governed as a global public good.
Our vision is for people to use and shape the internet and digital technologies to create a just and sustainable world, leading to greater care for ourselves, each other and the earth.
Meet APC staff and members, and learn more about who we are and what is the change we work to bring about to:
In 2020 APC turns 30 years old, and to commemorate this special date we have asked the members of our network about their vision for APC in the next 10 years to come. While we are celebrating what has been achieved in the past three decades, at the same time we are looking forward to more years of harnessing the collective power of activists, organisations, excluded groups, communities and social movements to create a just and sustainable world, challenging existing power structures and ensuring that the internet is developed and governed as a global public good. Check out all the messages that many of our members have sent!
Digital goodies available as well! We invite you to download these designs and come up with your own ideas on where and how to use them:
Read also: Internet governance: What did we achieve from 2016 to 2019?
And don't miss our:
Impact Report 2016-2019 and Highlights from 2020
Closer than ever: A guide for social change organisations who want to work online
Find more in-depth resources on our publications page
Follow APC’s work
- On Twitter: @APC_News and @GenderITorg
- On Facebook
- On Instagram
- Subscribe to our multilingual newsletter APCNews
- Subscribe to our monthly newsletter on local access and community networks
- For updates on gender and ICT policy, visit GenderIT.org
Media contacts: [email protected] in English, Spanish or Portuguese
For queries or additional information regarding APC's strategy and participation in the IGF, contact Valeria Betancourt at [email protected]