ALL DIGITAL is a leading pan-European association based in Brussels, representing 70 member organisations, ICT learning centres, adult education centres and libraries across Europe that work with 20,000 digital competence centres. We focus to support Europeans who have an insufficient level of digital skills.
Problem statement. Currently, with varying degrees from country to country, 42% of the EU population does not possess sufficient digital skills, as measured by the European Commission through the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020 and as defined by the DigComp Framework 2.1. created by the Joint Research Centre.
This state of affairs seriously impacts not only the ability of many people to find and keep a suitable job, thus avoiding exclusion from employment, but also the ability to navigate society as transformed by the digital revolution with the proper tools, making sure that one remains in control of the information obtained and released via the Internet ensuring, avoiding both manipulation attempts and loss of privacy at the hands of malicious third-parties.
The vision of ALL DIGITAL is that everyone should be able to exploit the benefits and opportunities created by the digital transformation of our societies. Our mission is to achieve this vision by equipping citizens with digital skills and with the confidence and mind-set that allow them to understand and benefit from said digital transformation.
ALL DIGITAL is currently running 20 projects funded by the European Union, many of them supported by Ersamus+ KA2 and KA3 programmes. We enhance the digital skills of Europeans who don't have sufficient digital skills including the new version (2.2) of the DigComp Framework, through the development and implementation of innovative and tailored non-formal training programmes, education tools, learning platforms, and various other activities. Our focus areas include the development of basic digital skills, fostering coding and STEAM education, employability and entrepreneurship, digital media literacy, social innovation. Our target groups are mainly marginalized vulnerable and disadvantaged groups, youngsters and adults, who have otherwise fewer opportunities.
We are collaborating with and support the work of our partners and member organisations. We highlight the ALL DIGITAL Summit, an event that host stands of its own members and partners in the industry showing the results of their own projects and the latest relevant technological developments, and explore – together with guests from other continents – how to cooperate among digital competence centres at the global level.
At the same time, we promote and provide the platforms (official alldigitalweek.eu website & the blogging space on unite-it.eu - the network of digital inclusion practitioners) and branding elements, to facilitate networking and know-how sharing, suggest resources for the 3,000 initiatives of its members and many other organisations working on digital competences on the occasion of the annual ALL DIGITAL Week that takes place in March. We also host two Communities of Practice, one to discuss the DigComp Framework, which will be reviewed to release a 2.2 version in 2021, and on Certifications. Get in touch with us if you would like to be part of these Communities!
We are also monitoring and advocating for better EU and national policies to maximise the impact of education and training to support the continuous development of digital competences of European citizens, through high-level policy events in Brussels (https://all-digital.org/eu-commissioner-pact-for-skills-at-all-digital-event-ilas-in-the-2020s/) and the production of documents such as the Digital Competences Manifesto that contains a series of key principles and recommendations under five main areas on how to maximise the impact of education and training, as powerful instruments towards a continuous development of digital competences for the European citizens.
Find out more
- Social Media:
- Twitter: @AllDigitalEU
- Facebook: @AllDigitalEU
- LinkedIn: @alldigital-aisbl
- Annual Reports:
- Resources:
- Would you like to become a member?