IGF 2020 WS #145 Digital Advertises in a Connected Utopia


    Organizer 1: Gabriel Karsan, INTERNET SOCIETY YOUTH@IGF
    Organizer 2: Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Ghyrate Ghana
    Organizer 3: Yawri Carr , ISOC Youth and IPANDETEC

    Speaker 1: Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 2: Innocent Adriko, Civil Society, African Group
    Speaker 3: Héwing Gérald Dorvelus , Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

    Gabriel Karsan, Civil Society, African Group
    Online Moderator
    Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Technical Community, African Group
    Yawri Carr , Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)

    Break-out Group Discussions - Round Tables - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    Are the digital skills and resources compatible with cultures and inter operable with modernization and human evolution as we build technocracies? Are policy makers to the growing demands of a young population with aptitudes as avid internet users and unaware of the impaired equanimity share brought by digital divides? And how to we balance equal share of digital dividend? How can inclusion improve youth human capital in the social economic political and cultural economy threatened by digital authoritarianism? Does inclusion and technological advancement dehumanize evolution of man and nature mastery? How can we localize via language and ownership of resources that local content is empowered and transpires cross cultural and economic borders of society ? With constant barriers to inclusion especially for African youth, affordability and proper understanding of the internet as a common resource for empowerment how do we create synergies that can achieve digital transformation with the limitations of progress that are available? Are digital rights fundamental in achieving maximum potential and equitable digital inclusion especially for young people?

    The barriers of entry to inclusion are fueling the digital divides and they are not equally distributed because each area , each people are presented by different forms of barriers, we want to address the different challenges to inclusion we face, for us the majority being an unequal balance to connectivity and accessibility of the infrastructures followed by the lack of meaningful and digital literacy skills that are catered for the needs of a particular community, the opportunities come from having local content that is owned and open to utility so to promote meaningful inclusion. This will present an opportunity to form a spectrum of challenges that young people face as we are also part of the multi stakeholder approach from different regions and social economic cultural backgrounds and form a collective and common publication with recommendations. its an affirmation that with the data we can formulate a map of the barriers to inclusion faced by youth and the output being actionable recommendations and resources needed to achieve progressive and sustainable inclusion


    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals


    This session tends to create a mind map between two alternating narratives of being connected narrated in global youth perspective. We have established a median connection for most of the people yet once segmented the internet as a resource is interlaced with serving only the ones who are adept can accommodate and afford the privilege of access. Access in these modern times has been a cultural paradigm a must have element to fit in the structure of new world order, a Utopian amplification of modern man's evolution as social creatures craving connection and unification in a connected web, yet the other side is shadowed especially to the third world and those below poverty lines. Using a top bottom approach, we face digital manipulation from corporation with forced consents to gain a service, with Zero rating and monopolies of telecoms as sole data gods. Governments today overuse surveillance, promote censorship and control the populations flow of information. Violent extremism rises among groups and with tolls cyber wars and crimes democracy has a price tag that the online trolls can budget. if a person is connected today are, they aware of the dark side that energizes the motives of a flawed accessible internet for all that's intent driven. In an AI driven economic system that's capitalistic in nature how does a normal Netizen identify and fully own their digital rights? We want to outline the different forms of online manipulation and oppression that occurs, the barriers of true inclusion. With Data analysis and visual mapping, we will interactively collect insights from the round table then see the common attributes of the occurring problems. Our main goals to form an advocacy model and toolkit with recommendation on how we mitigate and raise awareness on the dark side on the intent driven philosophy of connection. With taking ownership of alternative funding structures for Internet access example self-sustainable youth community networks and creation of informational and educative material that's relevant to local content on being meaningful and safely connected Another brainstorm will be on how we will be able to modernize inclusive internet policy with open and democratic standards example use of online platforms and a adept base of youth policy makers and researchers that's form progressive inclusive policy keeping in mind we have limited resources in terms of finance and education for both policy makers and users. Our methodology is that of Plato and Feynman collective conscience in dialogue and questions. With the moderator sharing stories from speakers online and onsite and the ones collected prior from youths connected all over the world with the theme of adversities in realizing a digital utopia.

    Expected Outcomes

    A loud room full of pressing questions and dialogue, we want to collect perspectives, opinions and questions and create a global op ed of our views on how we challenge the narrative of digital authoritarianism, how we battle digital adversities and fixation of interest driven inclusion. Meaningful inclusion is built by first identifying what is the common understanding of being meaningfully connected in the 21st century, how do we achieve in clear steps meaningful connection and importantly can we use this common understanding to battle the adversities of a digital utopia. We want to form a coalition of a digital utopia, with young thought leaders and creatives who can coordinate to form the future of an internet for all that is just and equally distributed in all spectrum's of empowering life processes, the formed coalition and Digital Utopia movement will be a modern George Orwell definition of what happens when we fix dystopia and how do we achieve a digital Utopian society ? This will aid in creating an young and merging philosophy movement of youth at IGF contributing to a vision we deserve and passionately can work to achieve. Our last outcome is the network resources, we have a strong unity as Youth IGF alumni and we ant to consolidate it further through cooperation and collaboration as building blocks of the IGF.

    narratives from home: this is a special way of incorporating creative dialogues from speakers and moderators , as thought provoking and pressing pieces of presentation that will not only give a briefing of inclusion as the core subject matter but share thee adversities and barriers of inclusion in individual settings, also leave our audience with unanswered questions to quench their desires of speaking out and truths on the problems we face when wanting to achieve meaningful inclusion. our setting is an open space of expression, and the aura we aim to set is an open free arena of speech and thought hence each voice must be welcomed and we shall use game tactics of random questions and fast answers as ice breakers to fully involve majority of the people at the session if not all.

    Relevance to Internet Governance: Internet governance is progressive and continuous evolving topic as youth we are constantly changing and developing with as it comes of age, our session is a living proof of the narratives and people living as discrete building blocks contributing to the 21st century 2020 vision meaning of internet governance. The internet today is not only a network but a philosophy to life and meaning to the humanity processes how we interact and master nature, as young people finding places in this world through meaningful attributes relevant to the situation of our age, we would describe this as the internet age and era. Internet governance is the base that is stabilizing and formulating this era and we want to use our voices , platform and highest understanding and beliefs on the subject of inclusion and its barriers to achieve a digital utopia. Building the evolution of a safer, equitable internet for all, one youth at a time.

    Relevance to Theme: One of the major building blocks of any community at the lowest level is synergy and coordination from a cellular level to a systematic level. from villages to the metamorphosis to mega cities.From a simple LAN to an Intranet the an Internet globally connecting people, yet we connect people by the ability of having connectivity that can serve them easily so life moves, yet challenges raise to being connected, same to genetics of cellular malfunctioning or lack of proper governance to form a city. Barriers of entry man made and natural are important to understand so we form mechanisms to tackle them and attain maximum potential from a connection. Our session views the potency of the connected and how they were empowered now into a progressive metamorphosis into an inclusive and diverse u=internet for all, it starts with understanding the causes of barriers being affordability, accessibility , lack of connectivity infrastructures , digital skills or simply lack of motives to be pushed to utilize the internet as a resource, We believe if we can understand why people in their own words and personal experiences share whats limiting the people who are the core fundamental assets to achieve any inclusion from being connected. Then we shall use the narratives to circumnavigate different ways on how we can mitigate the limitation in an aim to reach an internet from all and interconnected digital utopia.

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool. Additional Tools proposed: We have experts in the space of social media, and shall use the popular streaming platforms such as TIKTOK, Memes to share and build up how our session will be, Facebook and Instagram as well as doing a live Twitter chat on the session. This is to be used as strategy to appeal yo younger audiences who are our target group. We look forward to invite special hubs from NRIs as contributors to our proposed sessions