IGF 2020 WS #170 SheIsTheNet - Women’s leadership for a unite Internet


    Organizer 1: Mariana Soares, Conexão Malunga| Federal University of Bahia
    Organizer 2: Gabriel Karsan, INTERNET SOCIETY YOUTH@IGF
    Organizer 3: Héwing Gérald Dorvelus , Youth IGF Haiti

    Speaker 1: Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Technical Community, African Group
    Speaker 2: Butt Henna, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Speaker 3: Lisa Nyamadzawo, Civil Society, African Group

    Mariana Soares, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Online Moderator
    Héwing Gérald Dorvelus , Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Gabriel Karsan, Civil Society, African Group

    Round Table - U-shape - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    -Ease of participation: how do we ensure effective and equal opportunities in the design of systems of governance? -How do we formulate a mechanism of creating more women leaders and innovators in the tech space and influence a feminist driven digital transformation? - Is inclusion biased? Considering gender demographics and how do we align stakeholders to curate actionable equity of the IG space.

    For the achievement of an equitable and inclusive Internet, we begin with the following question: how do we ensure effective and equitable opportunities in the design of systems of Internet governance for women and minoritised genders? As stakeholders, we share this challenge on how institutions of power can createspace for women leaders and innovators in the tech space, able to shape truly inclusive digital transformation. We intend to consider gender demographics and alignment among stakeholders to inform and work towards actionable equity in the Internet Governance space as an output from this workshop.


    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities
    GOAL 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


    What are the demands and contributions on access and inclusion with regards to women in global and regional Internet and technology systems of business and policy? We seek to bring to the table a discussion regarding the full extent of access to the Internet in different countries/regions centered around gender, and the persistent hurdles women face in full participation and leadership of tech companies and global institutions of Internet governance. For this to be possible, we start from the needs of: - laying the basis for our conversation on what we mean when we talk about disconnected people through experience sharing; - explore the economic perspectives of the IGF and also share the possibilities of exchanging abilities and incentives. We bet on a data-driven approach in the thematic area of inclusion, viewed through an empowering humanistic and feminine lens to create sustainable solutions and oriented patterns of action. Our baseline will serve as a research and form important research cases and proposals to aid in deepening knowledge of the matters discussed.

    Expected Outcomes

    Through our methodology and policy questions we intend to achieve the next outcomes: - Rise touching points between demands and strategies shared in the room to construct action patterns for gender equity in the Internet governance ecosystem; - Elect priorities among the speakers and the public to analyze the possibilities in implementing those patterns among the multi stakeholders; - Write a document about the responsibilities of a critical perception around gender equity as a way to strengthen multistakeholder model and democracy in the Internet governance ecosystem.

    The discussion roundtable will be made of a moderated session where speakers take turns to answer questions asked by the moderator. This will be based on experiences from the different backgrounds of the speakers who are female and speak to the issues from where it affects them the most. The audience will be invited to jointly discuss the topic through questions and contributions as we believe the topic is relevant on a global level.

    Relevance to Internet Governance: We define internet governance to include all of the decisions made on how the internet is run by the varied stakeholders involved- from telecoms and tech companies, to technical bodies, to governments and international organisations. For adequate multi-stakeholder governance, meaningful inclusion is required in every sector and this is the issue we are addressing. With gender dynamics and the structure of power dynamics to society the share of women on the web formulation a narrative of inclusion is limited, the internet is based on attributes of openness, decentralized and end to end an equal sphere for ingenuity and democratization of all human beings and we believe it's a goal that Internet Governance can aid to achieve, hence the morality of our workshop having women taking leadership as we connect the next billion of female innovators and leaders.

    Relevance to Theme: This session has the purpose to stimulate gender equality in the Internet governance ecosystem through representation from women from three different regions. According to the thematic track, our intention is to create a safe and powerful space to share strategies for inclusion. Our speakers are going to dialogue on the multi landscapes of access to the Internet in each region, acknowledging meaningful connectivity and strategies against digital hiatus. In order to promote a human-centric use of the ICT's on the developments of our society, we look upon the UN's 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. In this way, we use the roundtable methodology, in which specialists and newcomers can integrate into a direct dialogue with the 5th (Gender Equality) and 9th (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure) goals from the SDG’s, traversing with the 10th (Reduced Inequalities) and 16th (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) goals.

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool.