IGF 2020 WS #203 International Governance in Cyberspace: New Explorations


    Organizer 1: JH Zhu, China Institute for Cyberspace Strategy at Fudan University

    Speaker 1: Yi Shen, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Cuihong Cai, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 3: Tianjiao Jiang, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group

    JH Zhu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    Online Moderator
    JH Zhu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group
    JH Zhu, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group

    Round Table - U-shape - 90 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    What is the impact of AI and other data-driven technologies towards international cyber governance? How to solve the threats and risks, at the same time share the benefit of the development of cutting edge technology? To what extent, if any, could the development of international norms and principles facilitate common approaches and interoperability of data protection frameworks, and also facilitate international trade and cooperation?

    In the first session we will address the impact from new technology towards cyberspace governance. In the second session, we will focus on data localization, cross-border flow, digital sovereignty and data sovereignty issues under the background of digital economy.


    GOAL 10: Reduced Inequalities


    Advancements in Cutting-edge ICT Technology and the New Order in Cyberspace Cutting-edge technology development and new challenges of network governance Nowadays big data, artificial intelligence, 5G and other cutting-edge technologies are changing the world rapidly. At the same time, these technologies are also bringing changes to the order and governance structure of cyberspace. In this session, we will discuss the three core elements of cyberspace governance, ie the changes in the value goals, core issues, and governance logic of cyberspace international governance, thereby contributing to smart solutions for cyberspace international governance. Cross-border Data Transfer and Global Digital Governance With the development of the digital economy, data globalization has become an important force to promote the development of the global economy, and the cross-border flow of data has become a core issue related to the political, economic, social development and security of various countries. Discussions on privacy protection and the development of the digital economy, data localization and cross-border flow, digital sovereignty and data sovereignty are heating up around the globe. This session will discuss in depth how to promote the development of the global digital economy by regulating cross-border data flows and improving digital governance, thereby enhancing the real economy, promoting cultural exchanges among countries, and turning the Internet from the largest variable into an incremental global development.

    Expected Outcomes

    The attendees of the Workshop arrive at an agreement which can promise a whole practicable framework of digital governance for all parties.

    During the session we will encourage interaction between speakers and more importantly between the speakers and audience. We will invite people whoever is interested in relative topics to join our session by various methods. Considering the uncertainty of the corona-virus, we will also promote online engagement of our session.

    Relevance to Internet Governance: Data is one of the most important elements in the digital world, and Data Sovereignty or Digital Sovereignty will be one of the top issues in the future Internet and a component of Internet Governance. It calls for the international community to make a widely-accepted rule of governance.

    Relevance to Theme: Our first proposed session will discuss about artificial intelligence, IoT, 5G etc, which are related to "Data-driven emerging technologies" thematic track. The second proposed session which is about data localization, cross-border flow, digital sovereignty and data sovereignty is relevant to the "Data & Jurisdiction".

    Online Participation


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