IGF 2020 WS #273 Enhancing sustainable computing, production & consumption

    Thursday, 12th November, 2020 (12:20 UTC) - Thursday, 12th November, 2020 (13:20 UTC)
    Room 1
    About this Session
    An interactive session on Enhancing efficient computing, production, and consumption across sectors in the present scenario.

    Organizer 1: Mohammad Atif Aleem, Youth Special Interest Group, Internet Society
    Organizer 2: Emilia Zalewska, LegalTech Polska
    Organizer 3: Jaewon Son, Korea Internet Governance Alliance
    Organizer 4: Ashwin Reddy, 8FX
    Organizer 5: Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Ghyrate Ghana

    Speaker 1: Mohammad Atif Aleem, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Chineyenwa Okoro Onu, Private Sector, African Group
    Speaker 3: Daniel Jr Dasig, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 4: Jaewon Son, Civil Society, Asia-Pacific Group

    Ece Vural, Civil Society, Western European and Others Group (WEOG)
    Online Moderator
    Lily Edinam Botsyoe, Technical Community, African Group
    Ashwin Reddy, Technical Community, Asia-Pacific Group

    Round Table - Circle - 60 Min

    Online duration reset to 60 minutes.
    Policy Question(s)

    1) How do we advance sustainable and efficient computing, production, and consumption in the milieu of the 4th Industrial Revolution? 2)How can we guarantee good use of the Internet without harming the environment? 3) How can SDG's 9, 12, 11 and 13 be fostered digitally and lower the impact on environment? 4) What is the role of Quality Education in enhancing sustainable initiatives? 5) How can gender equality be promoted through digital ways and in the associated SDG's for equitable distribution and representation?

    The UN Sustainable Development Goals 9 and 12 call to build resilient infrastructure, promote sustainable industrialization and foster innovation; sustainable consumption and production, promoting resource and energy efficiency, sustainable infrastructure, and providing access to basic services, green and decent jobs and a better quality of life for all.  The ramifications of current and emerging technologies for innovation and industrialization were expected to improve communities without compromising the environment. Looking into the demographics, many developing countries still lag in the Global Innovation Index based on the innovation performance of these countries and economies. The UN SDGs Goal 9 and 12 play a vital role in addressing sustainable development issues without leaving anyone behind. The role of technology and innovation in the industrial revolution is unimaginable through the progressive rate of inventions geared toward efficient sustainable computing, consumption & production, growth in productivity and incomes, and improvements in health and education outcomes. However, these technological advancements have poised an increasing material consumption of natural resources, high emission of carbon dioxide from the production and service sectors which highly contribute to air, water and soil pollution. Although, without technology and innovation there is no industrialization, and without industrialization, the development will not happen. The Internet and technology are the hope for a sustainable future, but these are also the main source of high-natural resources consumption, environmental damage, environmental pollution, high-energy consumption, and climate change which are detrimental to the inhabitants instead of fostering the UN SDGs 9 and 12. On the other hand, industrialization negatively affects the quality of life of vulnerable communities in terms of pollution, extraction, urbanization, and rapid increase in waste material. The rate of inventions and the rapid growth of industries are the pre-departure to land conversion, human rights violations, migration, environment and ecological pollution, climate change, and ill health effects to human life. These developments have degraded the human quality of life and the environment and ecological system. Thus, industrialization is leaving harmful effects on economies, by the water, soil and air pollution, high carbon footprints, ill health and diseases due to pollution that causes loss of human life. On these notes, engineers and scientists or the technical community, government, academia, civil society/NGO, business and private sector, and other interested parties should be linked together as policy-makers and policy-takers to map these issues and develop policies fostering efficiently sustainable computing, production & consumption. This session aims to stimulate public interest in the effective development and transfer of environmentally sound technologies and establish tangible results through a partnership of the IG community and other stakeholders.


    GOAL 4: Quality Education
    GOAL 5: Gender Equality
    GOAL 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
    GOAL 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
    GOAL 12: Responsible Production and Consumption
    GOAL 13: Climate Action
    GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals


    Reports and analysis are to an increasing degree pointing at that Status quo in production will have serious consequences such as; environmental (deforestation, GHG emissions, biodiversity loss), economical (yield and productivity gaps, unpredictable and insufficient livelihoods for (smallholder) farmers) and societal (malnutrition, obesity). Furthermore, the burden and risk is un-evenly distributed in the value chain of food cycle. At the same time, growing conscious digital consumers with increasing demand for more advanced computing ways is trending at the moment. Following, to satisfy such growing requirement of sustainable computing, production and consumption and how it can undo the effects of Climate change and degradation of environment is a vital subject of discussion How can newer ways of computing and digital advances in production and consumption improving the life cycle of people and changing the course in the milieu of the 4th Industrial Revolution is what our panelists going to talk about and share their experiences in various fields where these changes were inevitable and vital. These are some issues on which the round table discussion will be centered upon and try to engage audience on the means of attaining sustainable growth enhancing production, consumption and computation capabilities from erudite speakers of different viewpoints and stakeholder groups.

    Expected Outcomes

    Through this round table discussion we shall be able to : 1) Discuss the issues and challenges and scope of the green economy, environmental rights and governance, regulatory frameworks and policies in the production and consumption which shall inform participants, and engage themselves in these conversations after the IGF. 2) To advance arguments and stimulate discussions about the different effects and damages to the environment, and its impact on the vulnerable groups and communities, and plan for launching an online Green IT Campaign to promote a socially-inclusive,resource-efficient, low-carbon, and sustainable economy. 3)To advocate green economies, and seek positive outcomes through collaboration and networking, which can lead to innovation, capacity building programs, and policy recommendations post IGF. 4)Make awareness about different vulnerable, marginalized groups being exposed in the digital world and plan for launching an ethical online campaign to safeguard the interests of such groups along with their means of sustainable livelihoods. (Eg. Farmers) 5) Promote the technical community to design and implement sustainable computing solutions to maximize resources and their utilities. 6)Encourage the policy makers to reform the laws to make it more inclusive and sustainable for all.

    Introduction: 10 Mins The moderator will start the session by introducing the agenda and the background of the speakers on the panel. Speaker Presentation: 25 Mins 5 speakers are invited to address the issue and discuss the topic affecting their stakeholders at the individual, organisational and regional levels by sharing their viewpoints and a brief on one sustainable initiative in their region. Roundtable Discussion: 30 Mins The session aims to allow speakers to respond to each other’s presentations. Attendees can ask a few quick questions that might be critical in forming the focal point of the discussion in the second half of the roundtable, for an open floor discussion. Also it would more mutually engaging as the participants can directly relate their experiences pertaining to SDG's and also get guidance from erudite speakers upon the implementation of computing methods to steer growth and of enhancing production and consumption capabilities.

    Relevance to Internet Governance: o We will be able to address how new system structures and business models can be designed to create an improved distribution of value among people and at the same time how greener growth can be pushed through such innovative ideas o Through this session we further help organizations and individuals to develop, deploy, or operate in sustainable development work, encouraging community engagements and solutions on the global level in the age of digital interdependence and utilising SDG’s to our benefits. o In line with UN Sustainable Development Goals, this session will bolster agility and flexibility post the IGF and open avenues of a more robust economy through balances in income and opportunity in the areas of computing, production and consumption. It will also open avenues for people to collaborate, debate and discuss the advances made in computing, production and consumption field and improve the in line challenges that it faces currently

    Relevance to Theme: Since Environmental sustainability and climate action is a fundamental component of the UN 2030 Agenda, our session will aim at discussing the possibilities, challenges and best practices scenarios in the infusion of greener growth and mitigating climate change through enhancing production, consumption and computing capabilities. The session shall also give an overview on how Internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have a powerful impact in the face of this challenge, and have acted as a catalyst to promote the SDG's and the means of computation, production and consumption in the modern world. The positive impacts of ICTs for climate action in different geographies like Inida, Nigeria, Poland, Korea and Phillipines would be discussed by the speakers and conclusions would be drawn from it to draw a future map of potential large scale methods that can be used to enhance capabilities and foster green growth, maintaining the dichotomy between sustainability and profits at the same time.

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool. Additional Tools proposed: We are planning to stream live the session from Youth Special Interest Group of Internet Society on Facebook to attract young participants fom across the globe


    1. Key Policy Questions and related issues
    1) How do we advance sustainable and efficient computing, production, and consumption in the milieu of the 4th Industrial Revolution?
    2) How can we guarantee good use of the Internet without harming the environment?
    3) How can SDG's 9, 12, 11 and 13 be fostered digitally and lower the impact on environment?
    2. Summary of Issues Discussed

    Research suggests that current production models are seriously impacting the economy, environment, and the society at large. The digitalisation of the economy is no exception. Ms Ece Vural (International Relations Department Manager, Habitat Association) asked the session panellists five main policy questions which address how newer ways of computing and digital advances can improve the sustainability of current productions models and benefit society. First of all, it is important that we define the concept of sustainable computing and make society understand that there are ways to optimise and reduce the energy consumption of the existing computer infrastructure. Ms Jaewon Son (Committee Member, Korea Internet Governance Alliance) explained that Korea is increasing its investment in the economy, especially towards small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and businesses that provide online services in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Mr Daniel Jr Dasig (Associate Professor, De La Salle University Dasmarinas) explained that the geography of innovation continues to shift, and the sustainability of computing is an issue that affects both developed and developing countries. Mr Mohammad Atif Aleem (Regional Engagement Director for Asia Pacific Group, Youth Special Interest Group, Internet Society) clarified that sustainable consumption is about doing more and better with less. He added that information and communications technology (ICT) penetration is still a challenge in many developing countries. This is especially relevant when addressing the climate change challenge. For example, in the sub-Saharan region, there is still a lack of meteorological stations. Ms Chineyenwa Okoro Onu (Founder and Managing Director, Waste or Create Hub) stressed the importance of putting people first and equipping them with information and knowledge.

    3. Key Takeaways

    - How can SDGs 9, 12, 11 and 13 be fostered digitally and lower the impact on the environment
    - Potential that digital technology offers in the field of production and consumption
    - Role of quality education in enhancing sustainable initiatives
    - Information on how gender equality can be promoted through digital ways, and in the associated SDGs for equitable distribution and representation
    - Information on IsuComputing and digital advances to improve the sustainability 

    6. Final Speakers

    1) Ms Ece Vural (Moderator) 
    2) Ms Jaewon Son
    3) Mr Daniel Jr Dasig 
    4) Mr Mohammad Atif Aleem
    5) Ms Chineyenwa Okoro Onu

    7. Reflection to Gender Issues

    The session briefly discussed on how gender equality can be promoted through digital ways, and in the associated SDGs for equitable distribution and representation. The speakers stressed the importance of mainstreaming gender equality, especially regarding the inclusion of women in digital communication. (Social) media can be a powerful tool if used correctly, as statistics show that 73% of women have been exposed to or experienced violence online. Moreover, it is important that women can participate in digital businesses on an equal footing. In this regard, many corporations are launching gender-based opportunities.

    9. Group Photo
    WS #273 Enhancing sustainable computing, production & consumption
    10. Voluntary Commitment

    To advance the work of sustainability across sectors in individual capacity.