CNRS Centre Internet et Société, Internet Governance and regulation research group
Francesca Musiani, CNRS (WEOG) Lucien Castex, Afnic, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle (WEOG) Clément Pérarnaud, Universitat Pompeu Fabra - Barcelona (WEOG)
Networking session with the aim of building collaborations with the broader community.
Open seating format including: - Round of introductions - icebreaker (engaging both face to face and online participants) - Presentation of research projects and collaboration opportunities
The session aims at gathering researchers and experts working on Internet Governance to identify synergies and build collaborations.
The Internet Governance and regulation research group (Centre Internet et Société, CNRS) and partner institutions are leading a number of projects related to Internet governance and to digital policy (
IGF2021 issue areas: the session can link to both the main focus area on Universal access and meaningful connectivity (research on internet standards and barriers to UA) and cross-cutting issue on Inclusive Internet governance ecosystems and digital cooperation (Internet governance research, mechanisms of cooperation to meet the changing nature of the internet, technical internet governance i.e. standardization bodies and management of critical resources).
The session is designed to engage both the online and onsite participants. - icebreaker: short introduction, round of introductions
- Sharing ahead of time: 1) Flash presentation of the different projects 2) Promoting the event in the research community as well as in the wider community
- Use of complementary tools such as the Slido app to facilitate the discussion in the context of an hybrid IGF 2021.