IGF 2021 Open Forum #14 Promoting common understanding on global data governance

    Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (09:45 UTC) - Wednesday, 8th December, 2021 (10:45 UTC)
    Conference Room 7

    Data governance and trust, globally and locally: What is needed to ensure that existing and future national and international data governance frameworks are effective in mandating the responsible and trustworthy use of data, with respect for privacy and other human rights?

    Panel - Auditorium - 60 Min


    In the past few years, discussions on data governance including DFFT have been held in various forums. We will take advantage of the characteristics of the IGF, which brings together global multi-stakeholders, to re-find a common understanding of cross-border data flow issues. The main questions to be discussed are as follows.

    - What aspects of the current cross-border data flow do consumers and businesses find unreliable? - What are the benefits and costs of data localization? Is it possible to solve all the problems by keeping all data in each country? - Are we confusing issues related to competition policy in digital markets with issues related to data governance?

    Based on the experience of organizing the online open forum last year, we are planning to have fewer panelists than last year to ensure more time for open discussion between the audience and the panelists. We are still in the discussion, but we are considering the use of "slido" to make it easier for people to express their opinions both online and offline.


    Government of Japan
    Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan



    - Representative from civil society (tbd) - Representative from OECD (tbd) - Representative from developing countries(tbd) - Representative from business sector(tbd)

    Onsite Moderator
    Yoichi Iida
    Online Moderator
    Mone Imamura


    Targets: This proposal is related to the discussion of people's right of access to information.