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IGF 2022 WS #20 Enough

    Organizer 1: Ramadhan Rahman, KRI-Youth Council

    Speaker 1: Ramadhan Rahman, Government, Asia-Pacific Group
    Speaker 2: Andrise Bass, Civil Society, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)
    Speaker 3: Andrise Bass, Technical Community, Latin American and Caribbean Group (GRULAC)


    Ramadhan Rahman, Government, Asia-Pacific Group

    Online Moderator

    Ramadhan Rahman, Government, Asia-Pacific Group


    Ramadhan Rahman, Government, Asia-Pacific Group


    Birds of a Feather - Auditorium - 30 Min

    Policy Question(s)

    How much effort have we put into making the digital world safer for everyone? have you at least tried to provide access to anyone? how digital age effected our life to be a positive change in the world

    Connection with previous Messages:


    16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

    Targets: Ever wonder what it feels like to be in the driver’s seat? What it feels like to have true authority and responsibility to get things done, make things happen, and exceed expectations? Here’s your chance to find out. Through my leadership experience, As an independent leadership consultant, my goal is to help organizations identify and develop their greatest leadership potential. By creating a safe and supportive environment, I enable leaders to step outside of their comfort zone and learn new skills that will help them lead more effectively. Because we all have unique leadership strengths and blind spots, my goal is to help you identify what you need to grow as a leader and help you gain the skills, knowledge, and through the discussion and exchanging ideas it will be a good way to create peace and GBV balance, we can be a voice of a nation and a voice of peace,


    in a Digital world when the world is connected, we are all vulnerable. The power to connect is a responsibility we must exercise with care and empathy. We must ensure that the benefits of connectivity are widely shared. We must also work to ensure that human rights are protected in a digital world. in the Digital Age: The world is rapidly embracing new technologies, many of which were designed with the connective power of the internet in mind. But the internet is also a place, and like all places, it has the power to connect and to divide. Today, we face a growing number of challenges that were unimaginable a generation or two ago, including the threat of disinformation that seeks to undermine our democratic systems, the targeting of users by malicious actors, and the ever-evolving threat landscape. All of these challenges come with new risks and vulnerabilities that require new thinking and new capabilities. We are at a tipping point in the digital world. The benefits of connectivity are now within the reach of more people than ever before. Yet with this connectivity also come new vulnerabilities and new threats. The ability to connect has given us the ability to reach farther, to speak up, to be heard, and to be protected. The internet is a powerful tool that can connect people and promote human rights, democracy, and prosperity around the world. But it also has the capacity to threaten those very same values, and as such, we must never take it for granted. As we move forward in the Digital Age, our first and most urgent task is to connect all people. This means increasing access to the internet, especially in developing countries and for marginalized communities. Has any of us been a bridge to give access to any persons in the world? If yes so you have done and put enough efforts at least by clarification the importance of using the internet, we must also put enough work to ensure that human rights are safeguarded in a digital world. This is the only way to ensure that the internet continues to be a force for good. The only way to ensure that the internet remains a place where empathy can be found, where rights are respected, and where people can be lifted up. It's time to build a better internet. And it is not enough. The power to connect is a responsibility. It is a responsibility that we must exercise with care and empathy. It is a responsibility we must exercise to ensure that the benefits of connectivity are widely shared. But in a digital world, human rights also require safeguarding. We must safeguard the human rights of users in the digital world, not only for the sake of our users but for the sake of our society. We must safeguard the human rights of users in the digital world because it is the right thing to do. We must safeguard the human rights of users in the digital world because it is the only way to build a better world.

    Expected Outcomes

    Today, we can take advantage of hashtags and challenges We can make a series of awareness through challenges, and let our voices be heard

    Hybrid Format: I will use a variety of different ways to facilitate the interactivity of the onsite and online attendees. firstly through the floor of IGF, I will speak to all of them and give them time for questions secondly, I will use an IGF platform call to the online speakers so that I can ask them questions and they can ask me questions. I will use a “virtual” online conference where people can attend the online event remotely. The main goal of this session is to create a dynamic experience for both onsite and online attendees. I will utilize a variety of means to accomplish this goal

    Online Participation


    Usage of IGF Official Tool.