IGF 2023 Lightning Talk #135 My Digital Safety is Sacrosant

    Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 (02:10 UTC) - Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 (02:40 UTC)
    SC – Room H

    Human Rights & Freedoms
    Non-discrimination in the Digital Space


    Arjun Adrian Dsouza, SFLC.in, Civil Society, Asia Pacific


    Arjun Adrian Dsouza, SFLC.in, Civil Society, Asia Pacific

    Onsite Moderator
    Arjun Adrian Dsouza
    Online Moderator
    Radhika Jhalani
    Radhika Jhalani

    5. Gender Equality

    Targets: Sex workers are in need of higher security practices in the online sphere. Unfortunately, neither they nor their needs are paid attention to.This session aims to empower them by using security practices though which they are strengthening their own needs.


    Interactive and Hands-on Presentation

    Duration (minutes)

    Sex workers being at the intersection of GSM and a tabooed profession face multiple threats of harassment and discrimination at the hands of society. Post-pandemic their economic reliance on the platforms has increased manifold. and there are unique challenges that remain unresolved in the digital sphere. The stigma and often the harassment faced by them acts as a barrier to seeking redressal. The talk will put forth these challenges and present the solutions curated through the Digital Security Training modules prepared by SFLC.in. We will present our module on Digital Security Training for Sex Workers which provides solutions to ensure a safe digital existence for them. We would like to use this lightning talk to present some tools that we believe will help Sex workers and women activists in securing their online spaces.

    The presentation is conducive to being conducted in a hybrid manner. A mix of online and offline participants will help ensure that there is a diversity of opinions as well. Its a hand on training which means that participants will be taught to use tools.