Sustainability & Environment
Digital Technologies to Achieve Sustainable Development Goals
Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (Poland)
Mr. Jacek Bukowicki, expert, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (POLAND, a governmental agency), experienced moderator and speaker, educator, researching, supporting and working for innovation, startup and hightech ecosystem since 2007. Mr. Przemyslaw Nowakowski opens the line of communication between startups, investors, and various stakeholders to get projects done. With over 20 years in both public and private sectors, Przemyslaw has experience in management, financing, professional development, strategic implementation, and company collaboration. Przemyslaw has managed projects at Medical University of Lodz, Heimdall Combat Systems, and Lodz Special Economic Zone. Multiple awarded innovator (KIDE Taiwan, EIT, Brussels Innova, Concours Lépine etc.). Mr. Nowakowski has published in: MDPI Applied Sciences (Air Pollution Associates with Cancer Incidences in Poland Tuśnio,Fichna,Nowakowski,Tofiło; Special Issue Air Pollution—Measurement Methods, Exposure, and Health Determinants). Currently he is developing the innovation ecosystem framework for Lodz Special Economic Zone, Re_connect space, 5g Lab and T22H Makerspace for startups.
Mr. Jacek Bukowicki, expert, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development (POLAND, a governmental agency), experienced moderator and speaker, educator, researching, supporting and working for innovation, startup and hightech ecosystem since 2007. Mr. Przemyslaw Nowakowski opens the line of communication between startups, investors, and various stakeholders to get projects done. With over 20 years in both public and private sectors, Przemyslaw has experience in management, financing, professional development, strategic implementation, and company collaboration. Przemyslaw has managed projects at Medical University of Lodz, Heimdall Combat Systems, and Lodz Special Economic Zone. Multiple awarded innovator (KIDE Taiwan, EIT, Brussels Innova, Concours Lépine etc.). Mr. Nowakowski has published in: MDPI Applied Sciences (Air Pollution Associates with Cancer Incidences in Poland Tuśnio,Fichna,Nowakowski,Tofiło; Special Issue Air Pollution—Measurement Methods, Exposure, and Health Determinants). Currently he is developing the innovation ecosystem framework for Lodz Special Economic Zone, Re_connect space, 5g Lab and T22H Makerspace for startups.
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
Targets: 9.1. Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all; 9.2. Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and, by 2030, significantly raise industry’s share of employment and gross domestic product, in line with national circumstances, and double its share in least developed countries
Interview / Fire chat
Technological innovations and sustainable development: Discussion on the role of technological innovations in achieving sustainable development goals. How to make a valuable use of emerging technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, NFTs & e-commerce to solve global challenges such as climate change, poverty and access to education. In the session we will talk about the impact of modern technologies on the implementation of the circular economy in the sector of small and medium-sized enterprises and the challenges faced by such a transformation. We'll focus on trying to define when the digital maturity of the company is favorable and when it is an obstacle in changes from linear to circular economy. We'll show which trends and technologies will significantly contribute to the implementation of sustainable development with an emphasis on reducing consumption and more efficient use of resources.
The session started with introductions of the speakers and the represented entities.
Mr. Jacek Bukowicki introduced himself as a representant of the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, Department of Startups Development. The Agency’s mission is to support development of SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in Poland. Since its foundation in 2000, a great deal of Agency’s efforts is distribution of European Funds through a variety of evolving programs, projects and calls for proposals. Apart from financial support, the agency also offers educational services as well as research, evaluation and analysis reports. Mr. Bukowicki described the agency’s flagship incubation and acceleration programs aimed to help innovators, budding entrepreneurs and startup teams at pre-seed, seed and early stage level of development, including first proof-of-concept / solution testing collaboration in real business & industrial infrastructure of the key market players (corporations, state-owned companies, public institutions etc). One of the very successful initiatives is called Poland Prize, an internationally renowned soft-landing & acceleration program meant to attract foreign startups and innovative solutions to Poland from all over the world.
Mr. Przemysław Nowakowski introduced himself as representant and expert on behalf of the Łódź Special Economic Zone. The main mission of the Zone is bringing the best startups and solutions to Poland. The Zone has been awarded as one of the top 10 special economic zones worldwide. It has been selected to be a key operator of multiple PAED acceleration programs, including the last edition of Poland Prize.
Both speakers agreed that many global challenges are already addressed and can be solved with brave and revolutionary ideas from innovators and small agile startup teams. One of the barriers lying on the way of their implementation is a financial gap as well as reluctance to take risks by stakeholders and market players. By providing direct PoC grants, one of the benefits encouraging all engaged parties to take an active part in acceleration programs is taking over the responsibility for possible failure of solution testing and validation process.
Next, the discussion concentrated on showing examples and cases of how technological innovations engaging internet connectivity and resources (e.g. connected devices, internet of things, artificial intelligence) can help solve global challenges in various areas. The first discussed area calling for action was climate change and its consequences.
Connected weather sensors together with machine learning / AI software can help not only predict, but also mitigate the consequences of the growing number of incidents of weather hazards & disasters like fires, floods, earthquakes, hurricanes, droughts – saving more human lives as well as resources.
Mr. Bukowicki described a few solutions addressing the problem of recent heavy rains and flooding intertwined with severe droughts affecting big cities as well as farming areas. One of the mentioned solutions is based on small connected devices installed in crucial gates of a sewage system allowing safer management of rain water flow and its retention within a city’s infrastructure. The other solutions enabled also local rain water retention, local electricity productions and then relieving droughts with retented water. In turn, Mr. Nowakowski mentioned solutions for smart cities, new circular economy way to developing a city power grid and communications.
Climate change also directly affects farming and food production capabilities. There are already many solutions addressing the problem of food waste, food production shortages as well as zero hunger challenge. Connected weather & ecosystem field sensors can help farmers predict and act in most accurate time so as to secure the best vegetation conditions for crops in these more and more unpredictable times. New innovative technologies also enable more effective vertical farming as well as extended light and temperature conditions in green houses, offices, plants or other facilities.
Regarding the need for sustainable cities, climate change is just one of the factors affecting the quality of life in urban areas. Mr. Bukowicki mentioned innovative solutions addressing the problem of city air pollution monitoring and warning systems as well as solutions aiming at its prevention and reduction.
New solutions already support companies in transitioning to electric vehicles and implementing EV charging infrastructure. By means of telematics data and advanced predictive algorithms, it’s easier to provide recommendations for selecting suitable electric vehicles, considering the individual needs and preferences of each organization. New systems are entirely data-driven, which allows companies as well as individual citizens to effectively manage costs and efficiently implement electromobility. Mr. Nowakowski mentioned a startup with a solution enabling a more efficient and economical use of energy for street lighting. Another challenge - the common shortage of parking spaces in city centers - is already solved by platform enabling sharing the already existing parking facilities.
The quality of life cannot be secured and improved without good health, advances and better accessibility of medicine, prevention and therapies as well as the overall wellbeing environment. Artificial intelligence, machine learning solutions, wearable devices etc. combined with huge amounts of digitalized medical data can help implement better and more effective disease prevention solutions as well as provide more accurate therapies and diagnosis for both patients and doctors. Mr. Bukowicki named a few already incubated and commercialized solutions that would not come out without the support of incubation programs and engaged professionals.
Lots of global challenges can also be solved through innovations supporting Industry 4.0 and modern infrastructure. Mr. Nowakowski mentioned AI powered solutions for heavy industry, drones and 5G connectivity as an answer to the addressed problems.
The discussion could have been continued for another half of the hour if the session time had been longer. Conclusions included recommendations on what we need next and in the years to come to allow more technological innovations to solve more global challenges.
The speakers encouraged the audience to ask questions and provided contact details to those wishing to keep in touch for future reference and potential collaboration. The discussion with some of the listeners continued after the session finished, outside of the room.