Interledger Foundation
Ayden Férdeline, Interledger Foundation, Civil Society, WEOG Lawil Karama, Interledger Foundation, Civil Society, WEOG
Ayden Férdeline, Interledger Foundation, Civil Society, WEOG Briana Marbury, Interledger Foundation, Civil Society, WEOG Stephanie Perrin, Digital Discretion, Private Sector, WEOG Raashi Saxena, Accessibility Lab, Civil Society, Asia Caroline Sinders, Convocation Research and Design, Civil Society, WEOG
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
9. Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure
10. Reduced Inequalities
17. Partnerships for the Goals
Targets: Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all - This session aims to explore how digital finance can create new opportunities for economic participation and growth, which directly contributes to achieving this goal. Goal 9: Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation - By discussing the integration of advanced digital financial services, this session supports the development of innovative and sustainable financial infrastructures. Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries - Addressing financial exclusion helps to lessen the economic disparities seen in less developed regions, making financial systems more inclusive. Goal 17: Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development - The session's aim to foster partnerships across sectors aligns with this SDG's focus on enhancing global cooperation to achieve sustainable development.
This session will follow the format of roundtable networking. Participants will be organized to meet persons who are furthest from their field of expertise. This set-up aims to give participants fresh perspectives on the role that digital financial inclusion can play both in international development and in Internet governance.
This networking session aims to serve as a hub for sharing ideas and forming partnerships for future collaborations related to digital finance inclusion in the realms of international development and Internet governance. The intersection of digital technologies and financial services presents new uncertainties but also unprecedented opportunities. Digital finance is poised to introduce innovative methods to bolster advancements in key sectors such as economic development, infrastructure, and access to services, while also addressing the digital divide between technologically advanced and developing nations. This session will explore critical questions on how digital financial tools can reduce poverty, enhance economic growth, and support sustainable development in underserved regions. By bringing together a diverse group of experts and practitioners from various fields, the session aims to highlight emerging challenges and discuss potential solutions that can drive inclusive growth and development. The goal is to facilitate a series of lightning rounds to share a variety of ideas and perspectives, focusing on the long-term impacts of digital finance for low and middle income countries. The session will culminate in crafting a set of possible goals and indicators that could shape our future agenda for engaging in the IGF.
Participants, both onsite and online, will engage in vibrant discussions, with the networking event providing a live feed via YouTube and the IGF’s remote participation platform. Online attendees will have the opportunity to participate in live chat rooms moderated by a hybrid moderator, enhancing interaction and enabling the exchange of contact information for future networking and collaborative endeavors.