IGF strategy and strengthening in 2020: Online Discussions Overarching Area 2

2. The IGF and its mandate in 2020: challenges and achievements midway through the renewed mandate

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There are five discussion topics in this group of public online discussions being convened by the MAG Chair in the lead-up to IGF 2020:

  1. IGF intersessional work now and in the future: Best Practice Forums and Dynamic Coalitions, Wednesday 23 September 2020, 12:00-13:45 UTC
  2. National and regional and youth IGF initiatives: challenges, achievements and possible next ‎steps, Tuesday 29 September 2020, 13:00-15:00 UTC
  3. The IGF and linguistic diversity: challenges and achievements and possible next steps, Wednesday 7 October 2020, 13:00-15:00 UTC
  4. IGF as a platform for capacity development, Tuesday 13 October 2020, 13:00-15:00 UTC
  5. Participation and inclusion from 2006 to 2019: achievements and challenges and possible next ‎steps, Wednesday 14 October 2020, 13:30-15:30 UTC


2.1 IGF intersessional work now and in the future: Best Practice Forums and Dynamic Coalitions


Wednesday 23 September 2020, 12:00-13:45 UTC

Overview of topic

Reflections on how Best Practice Forums (BPFs) and Dynamic Coalitions (DCs) have evolved and what they have achieved since their inception. BPFs have produced a substantial body of work and the range, and depth, of topics covered by DCs is extensive. In 2020 an IGF MAG-supported “BPF on BPFs" has done a study of BPFs and is proposing suggestions for how to strengthen them in the future. During the session the authors of this report will share learnings and invite feedback. DC and BPF coordinators will talk about their experiences, sharing what has worked well as well as how they think the model can be improved. The session will also explore how these existing intersessional modalities relate to modalities proposed for the IGF-plus model and consider how they can be developed and optimised in the context of an evolving IGF. Discussion will include reflection on how these intersessional modalities can collaborate with one another and with NRIs building on the Secretariat proposals for collaborative mechanisms between BPFs and NRIs developed in 2020.

Session outline :

1. Opening and welcome by moderator - Anriette Esterhuysen (2 minutes)

2. BPFs and DCs: introduction - background, purpose and how they are different Markus Kummer 7 mins

3. BPFs and DCs today - Wim Degezelle (BPFs) and Jutta Croll (DCs) 3 mins each

4. BPF on BPFs: ‘Reviewing past BPFs to enhance future BPFs’ -  highlights Wim Degezelle  7 minutes

Q and A

5. BPF and DC experiences and links with NRIs: Challenges and achievements - Luca Belli, Michael Oghia, Anja Genco, others.

The moderator will put a simple question: What has worked, and what could work better?

Everyone is free to jump in.

6. The future of BPFs and DCs in the context of the proposed IGF+model and closer links with NRIs - Wim Degezelle 3 minutes

Followed by open discussion

7.Concluding remarks - Concettina Casa

Discussion leads

BPF of BPFs team; IGF Secretariat;  DC coordinators and members of various BPFs and DCs


MAG Chair, IGF MAG members and the IGF Secretariat

Meeting details

Time: Sep 23, 2020 12:00 Universal Time UTC

Join Zoom Meeting - https://intgovforum.zoom.us/j/99179888913

Meeting ID: 991 7988 8913

Background reading

Roadmap for digital cooperation

About BPFs

About DCs


2.2 National and regional and youth IGF initiatives: challenges, achievements and possible next ‎steps


Tuesday 29 September 2020, 13:00-15:00 UTC

Overview of topic

NRIs can be described as the most significant evolution of the IGF model since the ‎first annual forum held in Athens in 2006. What are the next steps for NRIs? Have ‎they reached the limit of their potential, or can they play a greater and more ‎consistent role in the IGF ecosystem? What opportunities and challenges do an ‎IGF plus model hold for NRIs? Discussion will include reflection on how these ‎intersessional modalities can collaborate with one another and with NRIs building ‎on the Secretariat proposals for collaborative mechanisms between BPFs and NRIs ‎developed in 2020. ‎

Discussion leads

Anja Gengo, IGF Secretariat and convenors of national and regional and youth ‎IGFs


MAG chair, IGF Secretariat and IGF WG-strategy

Register for the discussion https://intgovforum.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwufuysrTspHNTfW2ScB1ou1U…

Relevant documents

Output document from :Consultations run across the National, Regional, Sub-Regional and Youth IGF Initiatives (NRIs) on the Report of the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation/Recommendation 5 A/B/ IGF Plus Model



2.3 The IGF and linguistic diversity: challenges and achievements and possible next steps


Wednesday 7 October 2020, 13:00-15:00 UTC

Overview of topic

An overview of efforts the IGF is currently making to respond to the goal to be ‎inclusive and affirm linguistic diversity. However, simply providing translation ‎into UN languages of some documents and interpretation at certain sessions, is not ‎only not enough, it could also consolidate the marginalisation of other languages ‎and the people that speak them. Should the IGF make greater use of machine ‎translation? Are there other emerging technologies the IGF should consider using ‎to achieve more inclusion and linguistic diversity.‎

Discussion leads

Members of the MAG WG- on language (tbc)‎


MAG chair and IGF MAG WG-strategy and IGF MAG WG on language ‎

Register for the discussion https://intgovforum.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUlcu2vrjovGt10dTfw7e99QgPKbyZqfNYr


2.4 IGF as a platform for capacity building


Tuesday 13 October 2020, 13:00-15:00 UTC

Overview of topic

In 2019 the IGF Secretariat commissioned the development of a framework for ‎IGF-based capacity building. A research study gather input from members of the ‎IGF community and resulted in a draft framework. The purpose of this discussion ‎will be to present this framework for open and interactive discussion among IGF ‎stakeholders, in particular those concerned with capacity development.‎

Discussion leads

Moderator: Ben Wallis (IGF MAG and member of WG-Strategy)

IGF Secretariat and members of the DC on Schools of Internet Governance and of ‎the UNDP and ITU initiative related to the UNSG’s HLPDC report (tbc)‎


MAG chair and IGF Secretariat and MAG WG-Strategy

Register for the discussion https://intgovforum.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMvcuGvqDorGNxzHkmZXO7SSJeI6a3I6egE


2.5 Participation and inclusion from 2006 to 2019: achievements and challenges and possible next ‎steps


Wednesday 14 October 2020, 13:30-15:00 UTC

Overview of topic

Based on first draft of research paper being produced by Research ICT Africa and ‎the Internet Society on IGF participation data since 2006. What has been achieved ‎with regard to the Tunis Agenda mandate, and where are the gaps? How can the ‎IGF approach participation and inclusion going forward to address these gaps? ‎This discussion will look at participation and inclusion from two angles: the ‎people and institutions that shape, contribute to and attend the IGF, as well as the ‎content of IGF themes and tracks. The session will also be used to gather views on ‎the relevance of IGF content to participation numbers, including how themes are ‎decided and have helped to make the IGF more focused and raise its profile. Has ‎there been an evolution in themes, do these themes (sufficiently) help to link the ‎IGF with other forums and to achieve its goal of being inclusive, particularly of ‎actors from developing countries?‎

Discussion leads

Anri van der Spuy, Research ICT Africa


MAG chair and Research ICT Africa

Register for the discussion https://intgovforum.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtdeCoqD4oH9V7VD2P1a8CaOt2i2p5m-SQ

See also: