Keith Andere is a professional internet consultant and digital rights activist based in Kenya. He has done extensive work on digital rights including access to information, affordable internet, internet shutdowns, cybersecurity, digital identity and ICT policy in Kenya and across the African Continent. He is also a youth engagement and policy advocacy expert where he has had extensive engagement on various regional and global processes, worked on various campaigns, involved in youth movement building working with various youth networks. Keith serves as a member of the Multi stakeholder Advisory group for the Kenya IGF and previously served as a youth rep at the Africa IGF MAG. He is also the founding coordinator of the African Youth IGF and Kenya Youth IGF and one of the coordinator of the global IGF youth track. As a member of KICTANET – Kenya ICT Action Network, he has served as a tech observer in three general elections in Kenya, to interrogate the use of technology in the elections in Kenya. Keith is a fellow at the Kenya school of internet governance as well as African school of internet governance and an ISOC Youth IGF Ambassador.