Stakeholder Group: Civil Society
Region: Western European and Others Group - WEOG
Born 1954 in Freiburg/Germany; Studies (English and Economics) in Heidelberg.
After training in journalism working experience in print media, news agencies and public broadcasting.
In charge of media and public relations for several humanitarian organisations (terre des hommes etc.) in Germany and Austria. Election campaign organizer and parliamentarian consultant of the German Green Party (1982–83). Several consultancies in development cooperation and project management overseas (Ethiopia, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc.).
Executive secretary of the Swiss Forum against Racism. Project manager and Central Secretary of the Swiss media union (comedia), in charge of electronic media and communication.
Founding member and Co-President of the Swiss Platform on the Information Society (Comunica-ch), representing Swiss civil society during WSIS I and II. Founding and board member of EURALO – ICANN’s European At-Large organisation, acting Chair (2007-13).
Founding and board member of the Digitale Allmend (Zurich) since 2006. Regular author (country reports) at APC’s GISWatch.
Founding member and co-organiser of the European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG). Since April 2011 Program Coordinator and member of the EuroDIG Secretariat.