Moedjiono, Sardjoeni


Education        : Naval Academy in Surabaya Jatim (1968-1971)
Advance Navy Officer Education in Surabaya Jatim (1979)
Master of Science in Computer Science in US Naval Postgraduate
School, Monterey, California (1980-1982)
Naval Staff and Command College in Seskoal Jakarta (1987)
National Resilience Course in Lemhannas Jakarta (2001)
Doctor of Science in Computer Science in The George
Washington University, Washington, DC (1991-1999)
Assignment History    : Naval Ship Engine Officer (1971-1977),
Database Administrator in Naval Data Processing Center (1977-
Naval Computer War-Gaming Simulation Expert in Naval Staff
and Command College (1985-1989),
Chief of Human Resources Management Planning (1989-1998),
Chief of Naval Data Processing Center (1998-2000),
Chief of Organization and Management Office, Department
Of Defense (2000-2001),
Naval Chief of Staff Assistant for Personnel (2001-2003),
Deputy Minister of Communication and Information for ICT
Development (2003-2005),
Senior Advisor to the Minister of Communication and
Information Technology of the Republic of Indonesia for
International Relations and Digital Divide (2005-2009),
National ICT Council Executive Team Member (2009-Now).
Some Experiences    : Member of Indonesian ICT Coordinating Team,
e-Government Development Task Force,
Tsunami Early Warning Systems Coordinating Team,
World Summit on the Information Society Preparatory Team,
Head of the Government Advisory Committee (GAC)/Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) Indonesia,
Multi-stakeholder Advisory Group of Internet Governance Forum (MAG IGF) Member,
Director of Budi Luhur University Graduate Program,
President of Atma Luhur Information Technology Management and Computer Science College.