Morenets, Yuliya

Today, Yuliya leads a non-for-profit organization TaC-Together against Cybercrime Int., which works on empowerment of users in the field of safe and responsible Internet, child online protection and the Internet Governance issues.

Yuliya is an expert of a number of international organizations on cybercrime and cybersecurity and author or co-author of a number of regulatory texts in different countries. She advises governments and private sector entities on cybersecurity strategies.

Yuliya co-initiated such projects as: Youth IGF, Working group on better participation of vulnerable groups in the Information Society or the Empowerment of vulnerable children online.

Ms Morenets is a EuroDIG core team member and an organizer of a number of EuroDIG and IGF remote hubs. She is actively involved in a number of Regional IGFs as a speaker and is an active stakeholder of IGF Ukraine.

She is an Associate professor at Strasbourg University and Co-coordinator of the Research team at the Faculty of Social Sciences working on the Use of ICTs by Youth from difficult areas.

Yuliya is a former Deputy Head of the Unit on Cybercrime at the Council of Europe.

She is Graduate from the Institute of Political Sciences of Paris and also holds a Master degree in European Affairs and the L.L.M. in Internet Law.