My Name is Ms. Judith Okite . I am the Internet Governance Coordinator at Free Software and Open source Foundation for Africa (FOSSFA), a Non Profit , pan-African organization, with a mission that includes, among other objectives, promoting the use and adoption of Free and Open Source Software in Africa. I oversee and advise the organization on the current Internet Governance Issues and what direction the organization should take, as it continues to promote the use of FOSS and the FOSS model in African development. On part time, I am an online Tutor, with Diplo Foundation, the renowned, global training institute, in their Internet Governance Capacity Building program (IGCBP).
For the last two years, (2010 & 2011), I have successfully coordinated and organized the West Africa Internet Governance Forum (WAIGF) face to face meetings. This is a forum that brings together ten (10) West African countries to discuss issues relating to internet development in the region. I coordinated the regions participation, held in Nairobi and was very active and resourceful in the DCAD Sessions, in Nairobi, 2011.
My active participation in Internet Governance is conspicuous at the national and regional and continental levels. I have had the opportunity to work directly or indirectly with the four (4) regional forums in Africa ,namely : the East Africa Internet Governance Forum, Secretariat in 2009, Consultant level for the Central Africa Internet Governance Forum (CAIGF), the initial formation team at South Africa Internet Governance Forum (SAIGF) and continue to coordinated the West Africa Internet Governance Forum. I was instrumental by drafting and coordinating the program that resulted to the formation of the Africa Internet Governance forum that was launched in Nairobi, in 2011.